Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 (Hailey’s POV)

When we found my classroom I thanked Colten for taking me. He smiled down at me and walked to his room. I walked all the way to the back of the classroom and sat in the farthest desk. No need to get a lot of attention on your first day. Right after I sat down the bell rang.

The teacher came rushing in. “Ok class, we have a new student. Hailey Johnson, where are you?” I raised my hand. “Good, my name is Mr. Watterson, but you can call me Mr. Watt.” I nodded my head. I was just thankful that he didn’t make me stand up in front of the class and introduce myself.

Mr. Watt looked like he was in his forties and had brown hair. I tried to pay attention to what he was saying, but I couldn’t follow. After all, Bio was my worst subject. During the last few minutes of class he let us talk. I was doodling in my notebook when a girl came up to me. “Hey, I’m Chelsea. Your Hailey right?” I nodded. The bell than rang. “Well, I’m off to choir. See you later Hailey.” she said and walked out.

I walked out of the classroom. I started down the hall hoping I was going in the right direction. Cayden came up to me and said, “Hey Hails, where are you off to?” I scrunched up my face in disgust and said, “Well I’m trying to find my math class, but I have no idea where to go.” He smiled and said, “Girl, you are in luck. I have that class to. Follow me young grasshopper.” I laughed a little bit and then followed him. We went into the classroom and I was starting too walk to the back of the room when Cayden grabbed my hand. “Sit by me Hailey. Please?” he said with a smile. I caved in. How could I resist that smile? I went to sit by him. He was in the third row back.

Colten came walking in he sat down in front of me and turned around. “Where were you? I went to your room, but I couldn’t find you.” he said. Awww, he was looking for me. This fine boy wanted to walk me to class. Dang it! Slap out of it. Gosh, I gotta stop thinking like that. “Sorry, I didn’t think you would come back so I just went out and tried to find it. Luckily, I ran into Cayden here.” I said and smiled at Cayden. I could have sworn I saw Colten shoot Cayden a glair. Why would he do that? “Don’t worry about it Hails, but I am gonna walk you to your next class whether you like you like it or not.” he said and quickly turned around because the teacher walked in.

I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring. I know, I know. I am a little over excited, but I mean can you blame me? This boy was hot and he was a gentleman. What could be better about him? I really need to stop thinking like this! I tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, but my mind kept on drifting to the boys that I was now living with. I was in deep thought when the bell rang and I jumped a little in surprise. “Ok miss I-don’t-want-to-listen-to-want-the-teacher-says come on. We gotta get you to your next class.” said Colten with a smirk on his face. 

We walked out into the hall and Colten slung his arm around my shoulder. I ignored the sparks that went through my arm when he did that. He lead me down the hall when we got stopped by some guy. I was guessing he was one of Colten’s friends because he was gorgeous.

He had black hair that was long and past his ears. Normally this would be really weird on a guy, but he could pull it off. Also, he had deep green eyes. “Hey man, how’s it going? This is Hailey, Hailey this is my best friend Carson.” he said. Carson, I liked that name. “Hey” I said to him. “Hey there beautiful. How are you.” said Carson. When I was about to respond Colten spoke up. “Carson, lay off. Remember that girl I told you was gonna live with us? Well, this is her.” Colten said.

What did that mean? O well, I would find out later. “Sorry man. I had no idea.” Carson said and waked away. “Sorry about that Hails, now lets get to class.” he said and grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the halls.

I walked into the lunch room which was swarming with teenagers. I was dreading lunch since first period. Yes, that was very weird for me considering I loved food. The thing was that I had no idea where I would sit. I really haven’t made any friends yet, or people that wouldn’t totally make fun of me for sitting next to them.

I went over to the calendar thingy that showed what they had to eat. I was in the mood for pizza so I got a slice of cheese and a water. Maybe I could go and eat outside. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

Just as I was about to go outside Cayden came up from behind me and grabbed my arm. “Where do you think you are going missy?” he asked trying to make himself look stern, but it just made him look constipated.

“Well, I have no where to sit so I was going to go outside and eat. I was on my way just now before you rudely grabbed my arm. And by the way don’t make that face, it makes you look constipated.” I said.

He lightly slapped my arm and said, “You are going to sit with me and my friends.” He started to drag me over to the table where he was sitting before. I quickly stopped him. “What makes you think that I want to sit by someone as disgusting as you?”

I put a sweet smile on my face trying to look innocent. He let out a little laugh. “Hailey you are sitting with me even if I have to drag you over there by your toenails.” he said. I let out a sigh. “Fine.” I said and stuck out my arm and dramatically said, “Take me away.” I said trying to make him feel guilty. I must not have worked because he smiled at me and grabbed my arm. He dragged me over to a table that was in the far right corner of the lunch room.

He sat down next to some guy that I didn’t recognize. He moved over to make room for me. I sat down and the table went quiet. I looked down at my food feeling very out of place.

“Hey guys, this is Hailey. She’s the girl I told ya’ll about, so ya’ll better be nice to her our you will have to report to me.” he said. I never knew this guy could be so demanding. There were a chorus of hi and hey’s throughout the table. I finally looked up at all the boys. Down further near the end of the table, was Brandon. Right across from was Colten.

“Hails, this is my friend Max.” said Cayden. I looked over at the boy sitting next to Cayden. “Hi Max.” I said to him. “Hello Hailey, and I am not his friend, I am his best friend.” Max said and punched Cayden in the arm. “Dude! What the crap was that for?” said Cayden.

I tuned out there little girl fight and started to eat me pizza. “Hails, as you know this is Carson. This guy over here,” he pointed to the boy that was sitting next to me, “is James. He is also one of my friends.” said Colten. I just nodded my head at both of them.

I looked at Cayden. “So how am I supposed to get beck to the house?” I asked quietly because I didn’t know if he wanted everyone to know that I was living with them. “Well, lets see. Colten has basketball practice, Brandon has football practice, Alex is going to a friends house, and I have to go to Max’s house so we can work on our project. You can walk or watch one of the boys at their practices. I would rather you go with Colten because I can actually trust the basketball team not to hit on you as much as the football team. Hey Colten is it ok that Hailey watches you practice and you take her home? No one else can and I would rather have her with you and not with Brandon and that football team.” said Cayden.

Colten looked at me and smiled. “Sure that’s fine with me. I will find you after your last class and take you to the gym. What is your last class?” he asked me. I smiled back a him. “I am pretty sure it is English.” I said. “O cool, we have that class together.” Colten said.

Just as he said that the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I grabbed my bag and headed to my favorite class, gym. Great, can my day get any better? Note my sarcasm.


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