Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I groggily woke up and stumbled into the bathroom. Peeling off my clothes I stepped into the shower and slowly woke up. After being in there for about 15 min I figured that it was about time to get out, so I quickly washed my hair and body.

I wrapped myself in a big fluffy towel and walked out into my room. Going into my walk in closet I pulled out a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt. No use in getting dressed up anyway. Its only Saturday.

After that I went back into the bathroom and combed through my hair. Not feeling the need to do anything fancy with it I just through it into a pony. I quickly grabbed all my dirty clothes from around my room and threw it into a wash basket. I’ll do that later today.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room to find most if the boys in there. There was Daniel, Cayden, Colten, Brandon, Alex, Jason, and Riley we all crammed on the two couches watching tv. The twins were in the corner playing with their toys.

I looked around for a place to sit, but the only spot that was open was the one on the floor. And that one didn’t look to appealing. I looked over at the guys to see who would be so kind as to give me their seat. All of them were looking at the tv and didn’t even notice me come in. typical boys.

I cleared my throat and got the attention of Colten and Cayden. Cayden seemed to understand what I was thinking and he patted his lap. Not wanting to have to sit on the floor I went over to him and plopped down on his lap.

Looking over at the tv I saw that they were watching Two and a Half men. This show was so amazing! I leaned back into Cayden’s chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

All of the sudden I felt hot breath by my ear. The sudden heat made me shiver. “Can we talk about last night now? Well, ya know, not here. How about up in my room?” Colten whispered in my ear.

I nodded and unwound myself from Cayden’s arms. He raised his eyebrows. I just shook my head and mouthed that I would tell him later. He was there too and was probably wanting to know what happened.

Colten grabbed my hand and intertwined our finders together. I followed him up the stairs and into his bedroom. I let go of his hand and went and sat on his bed.

This was it, I was going to tell someone the whole truth. The only people that knew the whole story was my dad and my sister, but they weren’t here anymore. There was no choice about backing out now, even though I was seriously considering it.

Colten shut the door and came over to join me on the bed. He didn’t say anything, which I was grateful for. He knew that this wasn’t easy for me.

I let out a deep breath that I hadn’t realized I had been holding. “Well I guess it started my freshman year. It was my first party ever and…..”

With that I told him everything. About what I was doing when I first was at the party, to everything I could remember about what that sick creep did, and to how thankful I was that someone was there to save me.

I also told him about countless nights after that I didn’t sleep at all. I just spent the whole night crying my eyes out and wishing that someone would understand and not give me all that pity crap.

The worst part about those moths after was having to tell my dad, sister, and the police about everything. That was three more times of reliving that horrible night in my mind.

After telling the police they went and arrested Stephan. I never knew if or how long he would be going to jail for. I didn’t want to know because I would be dreading that day. All the days after he got out I would probably be locked up in my room scared that he would come and find me again.

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