Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Hailey’s POV)

I woke up to this very annoying knocking noise coming from my door. Ugh, it’s 6:30. Who in their right mind would wake me up this early? Just to let you know I am not a morning person what so ever. I got up and dragged my feet over to the door.

I opened it to find Brandon in only a pair of baggy sweatpants. It took everything in me not to stare at the gorgeous six-pack he had. “What do you want? And please put on a shirt there are little children in this house. No one wants to see that kind of stuff this early in the morning. Might trigger their gag reflexes.” I said very annoyed.

“Well considering you are a girl and I’ve heard the girls take forever to get ready, I thought I would be nice and wake you up. Be outside by 7:30. School starts at eight. And by the way I know that you cant resist me babe.” he said and walked away without another word.

Ugh, school. “You are such a jerk.” I said to his retreating back. With that I slammed the door. “But I’m a hot jerk right?” I heard him yell beck. Arrr, stupid conceded boy..

I decided to take a quick shower. I grabbed a dark pair of skinny jeans, some white converse, and my favorite teal shirt. After a nice hot shower I got dressed and blew dry my hair. I decided to leave my hair the was it was, naturally curly.

I put on a little mascara, but not to much because I didn’t wasn’t to look slutty. I looked at myself in the mirror. Not to bad, but I could make myself look so much better and show off some of my curves. I decided against it because I didn’t want to make the wrong impression one my first day. With a sigh I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

I followed my noise to the kitchen. Yum, the smell of bacon. Alison must be cooking. I strolled into the kitchen saying, “Good morning everyone.” Alison smiled at me. “Morning honey, you look great today. I made eggs, bacon, and toast for your first day.” she said. “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that.” I said and smiled at her. “But honey I want to.”

I went to sit down at the table. She placed a plate of eggs in front of me with a glass of milk. “One of the boys will drive you to school. When you get there Brandon and Colten will take you to the office to get you schedule and locker number. After that you can take it from there.” she explained to me. “Ok, sounds good.”

As I say this Colten walked in the kitchen only wearing his boxers. O my gosh, this Copper had the most amazing six-pack just like I saw last night. But let me say that it matched the rest of his body perfectly. I tried not to stare, but failed miserably. He was saying, “Hey mom have you seen my favorite shirt. I can not find it-” he cut off mid sentence when he saw me there.

Colten blushed deep red and hurried out of the room. I gotta admit that he lokked really cute when he blushed like that. Alison started to laugh, “Colten you need to remember that there is another girl in this house besides your mother and your one year old sister, so please kept clothes on from now on.” she shouted out the door at a very embarrassed Colten.

“O, and your shirt is in your dresser next to your boxers.” she yelled once again. “Mom, shut up please!” I heard him yell. I couldn’t help myself, I burst out laughing. “I thought my boys would be smarter than that. I mean really? Walking around in your boxers when there is a beautiful girl living with us now? Shame on them.”

As Alison said this Riley walked in the kitchen in only his boxers just like his brother did. “Mom I can’t find my jeans.” he said not even noticing me. “Boy, at least put some pants on. We have a lady living in this house now.” she said slightly annoyed by her children. Riley looked at me and quickly scurried out of the kitchen. I never thought I would see the day that Riley was embarrassed. Haha, I might just have to use that against him. “Riley your pants are in the laundry room in the dryer.” she yelled.

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