Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Hey Hails you wanna play basketball with us?" Cayden said to me as I was doing laps around the pool.

I stopped doing my laps and swam over to them. "Sure, who's team am I on?" I asked. I was hoping I was on Colten's team because I knew he could actually play basketball. That might not be the only reason either...

"You my friend are going to be on my team." said Cayden. Dang it! That sucks. Not that I don't want to be on his team, it's just that I would prefer to be on Colten's team.

Putting on a very fake smile I said, "Ok whatever. You better watch out Colten, I'm gonna beat you to a pulp." I shot him a smirk and grabbed the basketball.

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Are you sure about that?"

"I am very sure." I said with a smirk on my face.

We were ten minute into the game and we were losing big time. Cayden was horrible at this game! All he was doing was swimming back and forth from the hoop to where ever the ball was at that time. Then he wouldn't even pick it up! I was doing all the work. I wasn't that bad, but Colten was by far better.

I grabbed the ball from the water. "Ok, I quit. Cayden, no offense man, but you suck at this. I am also no good at this game. So, why don't we stop this while I still have some dignity." I said and threw the ball onto the concrete.

"Thanks for the awesome comments Hailey. I really appreciate them." said Cayden, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah whatever. You know that's it's true." I said and gave his a little side hug. "Why don't we go into the hot tub and relax a little?" I asked and pulled myself up on the side of the pool.

The boys followed me and I walked into the hot tub to find Brandon almost asleep. So me being a good friends got my hands full of water and threw it at his face to wake him up.

"What in the heck was that for!?!" Brandon screamed at me.

I put a sweet and innocent smile on my face. "I was just trying to wake you up." I said.

He looked at me like I had just swallowed a spider or something. Jezz, he acts like he's never had water thrown in his face. It wasn't like I was trying to kill him. In my eyes he is the crazy one.

Cayden and Colten sunk into the water laughing. "Why are you so mean to me?" asked Brandon.

I let out a little laugh. "I'm not mean to you. There was no one here so I just thought I would have a little fun." I said in a deep voice trying to quote him in what he said earlier.

This made him let out a little laugh. "Whatever, if you do that again will personally rip off that pretty little faceof yours and tape it up on my wall as my new wallpaper." he said and poked my face. I just smiled sweetly at him and raised my eyebrow.

Man this water was relaxing. All of us fell into a comfortable silence. "Ok I can't stand this silence anymore. Why don't we play truth or dare?" asked Cayden. This boy is so impatient.

"No, there is no way that I will play that with a bunch of guys." I said and shook my head.

"Come on Hails, it'll be a lot of fun." said Colten. He also threw on a little puppy dog face. Ugh, how could I say no to that face?

"Yeah Hailey, it'll be tons of fun." said Brandon and attempted to put on a puppy dog face like is brother. Key word here, attempted. I could definitely say no to that face.

"First- Brandon do not make that face. It makes you look constipated. Second-Fine I will play. On one condition, no gross dares or anything stupid like that." I said and pointed to all of them to make sure they knew I meant business. It really didn’t work though.

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