Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I quickly walked into the locker room and went into the back of the room hoping no to get noticed. I pulled out an old softball shirt and slipped it on along with a pair of shorts. Sadly, I didn’t go unnoticed.

That slut of a girlfriend that Brandon has walked right up to me. “Stay. Away. From. My. Man.” Marissa practically screamed in my face. I smiled the sweetest one I could at her. “Sweetie, you have nothing to worry about. I don’t go after other people’s boyfriends. I think you should take that as advice. Personally, I wouldn’t even go after someone like Brandon, but that doesn’t stop him from trying. You just better get over it now. Now why don’t you take your little twig legs, your fake blond hair, and your stupid screechy voice and get out of my face.” I said to her.

I walked out of the locker room and into the gym. Everyone was just getting into the gym the same time I was. They were all sitting on the bleachers, so I went and sat down by the girl that I recognized from my first class. I think her name was Chelsea.

“Hey Hailey. How is your first day of school going?” she asked. “I guess it could have gone better. That blond bimbo over there is making everything difficult.” I told her. She laughed. “Yeah, Marissa will do that to you. To be honest, I thought that you two would be great friends because you are gorgeous.” she said with at smile.

“Thank you Chelsea, but there isn’t any amount of money that anyone could pay me to be nice to her for even one day.” I said with a laugh. She really though I would be friends with that piece of crap? Wow, this girl really has to get to know me better.

Me and Chelsea spent most of gym class talking because all they did way play a lousy game of soccer. We just kept on walking up and down the field not really paying attention. I really got to know Chelsea better. Turns out she was really funny and down to earth. She could also fire back smarty pants comments at you like there was no tomorrow. I think that we were going to be great friends.

After getting changed I walked out of the dressing room with Chelsea. “What class do you have next?” she asked me. “Ugh, don’t remind me! I have stupid English.” I said with a scowl. She laughed at me face. “So do I. And it’s not that bad! Mr. Simmons is pretty hot which makes the subject all the more better.” Chelsea said with at smirk on her face.

We walked into Mr. Simmons classroom and took the seats in the back corner. Chelsea was right. This man was one fine piece of meat. Other kids were coming in and sat as far away from the new kid as possible. That would be me.

When Colten walked in he scanned the room looking for something or someone. His eyes landed on me and he smiled. He walked up to the desk that was right next to mine and sat down in it.

The other kids in the class all looked shocked and stunned. Including Chelsea. I smiled back at him. “So Hails, how is the first day going.” he asked. I scowled at him and tried to make him think I was mad. “If you or anyone of your stupid brothers asked me that today I will hurt each and everyone of you. Well, of course not including the twins, Andrew, and of course little Sabrina.“ I told him.

He laughed at me comment. “Why, Hailey, what ever your middle name is, I didn’t now you were this feisty.” Colten said with a smirk. “Why, Colten, what ever your middle name is, I didn’t know you were this observant. By the way, it’s Ann.” I told him mimicking what he just asked me. “Hailey Ann Johnson. I like it.” he told me with a smile. I smiled back. “By the way mine is William.” Colten said. “Colten William Parker. I like it.” I told him and smiled at him.

English consisted of Colten and I passing notes back and forth, and Chelsea and me talking quietly about everything. At one point I was trying to pay attention, but got bored very quick. I was in the middle of writing her response to Colten about her favorite color, pink, when the bell rang and startled me bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Come on Hails, we have to get to the gym before I am late for practice.” Colten said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. “Ok then, lets go.” I said. He continued to hold my hand all the way there. I tried to hide the smile that was trying to come out, but failed miserably. Colten was really nice and sweet. We actually had a lot in common, and he was unbelievably cute. I wouldn’t mind holding his had more often.

When we got to the gym Colten took me to the bleachers and told me to sit and relax. Then he went into the locker room to change. Gosh, I if I even wanted to date one of the Parkers I thought I would end up with maybe Branson, but Colten is so sweet and nice. Ok, here is the solution, don’t date any of them. Yeah we’ll go with that.

Colten and his teammates walked out of the locker room and shot me a smile. I smiled back. They started to do warm-ups. This is boring. They did that for about 10 min and then moved on to scrimmaging because they apparently had a game on Thursday.

Coach split up the teams into shirts and skins. I had no idea what the point of that was. But in my favor, Colten was on skins. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was so cute. Not the cutest one on the team, but I would rather look at him then any other.

After me staring throughout the whole game, the boys went to get changed and shower up. I waited for Colten by the front door of the school. I felt someone poke me in the side and I screamed.

“Hey there, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Colten said with a laugh. I lightly punched him in the arm. “You would have screamed too if some big creeper come up behind you and poke you in the side.” I said to him. “You-” I cut him off by putting up my hand. No need to argue. It was already 4 and I wanted to get home. Wow, I am calling it home now. “Lets just go.” I said and walked out into the parking lot.

I couldn’t find the car that we rode here in this morning. “Where is the car?” I asked him. He looked around with a confused expression on his face. “Uhh, I don’t really know.” he pulled out his phone. “I got a text from Brandon saying that he left practice early and to find a ride home. Little did he know that you were staying after and that when we were about to take off that everyone had always left.” he said and sighed.

Why would he do that? “What are we going to do now?” I asked him. “Well, seeing as how everyone had already left I guess we have to walk.” he said. Great, we have to walk a long time to get there and it was already getting late.

We had been walking for about 45 min now and were no where near the house. I sat down the grass alongside the road. “Colten, I’m too tired to walk anymore. Carry me?” I asked and put an sweet look on my face.

“Alright.” he said and picked me up bridal style. I let out a little shriek of surprise. “I really didn’t think that you would do it.” I said to him. He smiled his breath taking smile at me. “How could I say no to that face?” he said. I just blushed. “Put me down or else you are going to hurt yourself.” I told him in a matter-of-fact tone. “Please Hails, you are lighter than my gum bag.” he said and pointed to his bag on his shoulder. He also smiled that smile I love again. I blushed a deeper shade of red and he just keep on walking.



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