Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

No any normal person in this situation would run away screaming and go and hide in their closet. Maybe even go to the cops, or tell someone about it. That would be a normal persons reaction. Let me remind you.

I am not a normal person.

I wiggled out of Colten’s grasp and started to make my way through the crowd to him, muttering apologies to the people that I was stepping on or shoving over. I heard Colten calling my name, but I just ignored him. I looked back to see him following me close behind.

As soon as I made my way through the crowd to him I stopped right in front of him. I raised my hand up to slap him. Hard. On the cheek. “HOW,” I said and slapped him again. “DARE,” another slap, “YOU,” this one right on his nose, “DO THAT,” another hard slap across his cheek, “TO ME YOU,” two more quite painful slaps, “BASTERD!” I screamed and kneed him in his family jewels.

That made him fall to the floor groaning. HA, take that you filthy little creep. I looked around to see that I had gathered a crowd with my little scene. I turned around to see a very shocked and confused Colten. I let out a sigh and was about to open my mouth to explain to him when I felt strong arms come around my neck, cutting off my air supply.

My hands shot up to try and get the death grip off my neck, but sadly it didn’t work. “What the crap was that for you little slut? Huh?” his grip tightened so that I couldn’t get in any air. No matter how hard I would try. “Aren’t you going to answer me?”

When I didn’t answer he tightened his hold on my poor neck. I stopped trying to get him off of me because I knew that it wasn’t helping at all. My lungs were burning from the loss of air. All to soon my vision started to get fuzzy and I felt like I was going to pass out.

Colten must have gotten over his shock. “Get your filthy hands off her Stephan. You are drunk and you have no idea what you are doing.” I looked up at him and saw his face filled with so much anger that he probably could kill Stephan with his eyes. Colten had his jaw clenched and his fists balled at his sides.

Thankfully, he let up his grip so at least I could breath a little. Very little though.

“Remember what happened last time Stephan? Collin called the cops because you almost raped that poor girl and you were in prison for that and many other thing for two years. I don’t think that you would like to be there again anytime soon. Am I right?” Said Cayden.

He came out of the crowd and stood next to Colten. I looked into his eyes and silently thanked him. He gave me a small, reassuring smile. It gave me a little hope that I wasn’t going to die tonight.

“Stephan, just let go of her and we can forget that this ever happened. You are drunk. If you do anything else you will regret it. Not to mention that we will get the cops involved and have you sent away for who knows how long.” Said Colten inching closer to us. Cayden was mirroring his movements.

“You know who my father is. And my uncle. You are better off letting her go before we get either of them involved. Right now you are just drunk and are not intact with your senses. Like Colten said, let her go before you do something that you regret.” Cayden said.

His grip lessened. I started to breath normally again, but there was still a little burning in my lungs. He stood there thinking for about minute. A devious smirk made its was onto his face. His hold on my poor neck tightened again. Worst than last time.

“Yeah right. I know that you guys are just bluffing. You can’t fool me that easily.”

Colten took out his phone and started tapping around on it. “I can call my uncle right now if you want. He’ll probably be here in five minutes with the rest of the crew. It’s your choice. I call, or you let her go. Now.” I couldn’t tell if he was bluffing or not, but I didn’t think that he was.

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