Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

            “Will you just shut up about that already!?”

            Colten winked at me and a smirk grew on his face. “It’s not my fault that you fell asleep fifteen minutes into the most amazing movie ever made. Not to mention that adorable little bit of drool and snore that came out of your cute little mouth.”  If my cheeks weren’t already red, they definitely were now. “Awe, is little Hailey Wailey blushing? Did I make the all-time famous Hailey Johnson blush!?”

            “NO! My cheeks just get red when I’m cold. See, burrrr it’s freezing in this house. By the way I don’t have control over my body when I’m asleep.” Oh gosh, seriously why is this happening to me!?! Colten laughed at me and pinched me cheeks. “Stop that! I’m not three years old anymore! Gosh, I might just have to go find another less mean Parker boy. I’m sure there are at least five boys home at the moment.” I said and got up from the warm comfy couch.

            Arms tangled around my waist and pulled me back to the comfy couch. “No! Sorry Hails, I’m just messing with you.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. Within a split second he was off the couch and flying with the stairs. I shook my head at how fast that boy could get sidetracked. Stretching, I sprawled myself out onto the whole length of the couch and started flipping through the channels hopping to find a decent show to watch. Colten came pounding down the stairs with a blanket in his hand. He looked down at me on the couch with a frown on his face. I raised my eyebrow at him and he picked me up off the couch.

            “Colten! Put me down!” I screeched and tangled my hands into his shirt. He was giving me a great view of his but, not that I minded at all. Colten laughed and sat down on the couch and placed me right next to him. He pulled a light blue blanket from off his shoulder and wrapped it around me like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Awe, he got me a blanket! “Thanks Colten, you didn’t have to do that.”

            “You’re welcome Hailey, and I kinda did. We don’t want you getting cold now do we?” A smile grew on my face and I snuggled into his fuzzy blanket, inhaling his intoxicating scent. “Hey, you don’t get the entire blanket. I’m here to you know.” I unwrapped a little and draped it over his leg. “That’s not happening.” Colten snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me right up next to him and buries himself in my little cocoon I constructed. He rested his head on my shoulder and focused his attention on the random show that came on. For the first time in a while I felt content and relaxed. Closing my eyes, I took in this moment.

            “Let’s play that question game, or maybe truth or dare. I wanna find out more about you Hails.” Colten said out of nowhere. I replied with a sure as we both mentally came up with our answers.

            “Okay, let’s start out with the basics. Favortie Color?”

            “Aquamarine, orange, pink, and a light limish green. I can’t pick one. What about you pretty boy?”

            “Mine is blue. Your turn Hails.” Colten said and adjusted the blanket a little.

            “Okay let’s make this one interesting, truth or dare?” I sad trying to mix things up so this didn’t get boring too fast. Questions and dares were flooding though my head when he said truth. He’s such a baby. “Are you okay?”

            He looked at me confused. “Why would I not be okay?”

            “Since you and your family found out about Andrew, you and most of your brothers have been walking around here like zombies and shutting everyone out. I don’t understand how it feels to find out your brother has cancer, but I do feel sad and angry because that little boy is like a brother to me. I may not fully understand how it feels, and I might never, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help. If you need anyone to talk to or just hang out, I’ll always be here for you, no matter what happens. Remember that, okay?” I said and wrapped my arns around Colten’s body attempting to give him a side hug.

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