Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was pulled out of my peaceful slumber by a loud annoying pounding at my door. Looking over at the clock I saw that it was 6 in the morning. What the fudge? I didn’t need to be up at 6:45 at the latest.

Pulling my still sleepy body up stomped all the way to the door. I pulled it open to find Brandon standing against my door frame twiddling his fingers like he had done nothing wrong. That got me even more mad.

“What the hello kitty are you doing getting me up this early in the morning!?!” I whisper yelled because I knew that the others would still be sleeping. I am suck a good person being this nice this early in the morning. That takes major skill.

He just laughed at me. How could he do that? He has no idea who he was messing with. Morning Hailey was not very patient. She is pretty much the same as a angry polar bear with rabies. She also looks like it.

I envy the people that can just jump right out of bead and get their day started. It takes me at least twenty minutes to tame my hair.

“I got up early and I figured you would want to get up early so your welcome.” and with that he quickly spun around and went to his room.

I slammed the door. Actually pretty hard. So much for not waking anyone up. Oh well, its all Brandon’s fault.

Since I was up this early I figured I deserved a nice warm shower. I grabbed some jeans and a tight fitting black shirt. Right under my chest it had a little silver belt that wrapped around the whole shirt. I thought it was kinda cute.

I stripped out of my pajamas and got into the water. I grabbed some of my coconut shampoo and massaged it into my hair. After that I just sat there and let the water flow down onto my sleepy muscles.

Just as I was starting to relax the water stated to turn cold. Ugh! If that was Brandon trying to ruin my day he was doing a hell of a job. I was seriously going to hurt him today. Quickly I washed the rest of my body and stepped out.

I threw on my clothes and started to blow dry my hair. Next I was going to attempt to straighten it, but I didn’t have the patients today. I just let it be its curly self.

After that I grabbed my dirty clothes and threw it in the corner of my room. I’ll pick that up later. Maybe. I slipped on some silver flats and grabbed my bag.

Looking at the clock I saw that it was 6:30. that’s what happens when you get up early, it always makes you early for things. I could have slept another half an hour and still would have been ready, but nooo stupid boys have to be stupid and wake you up early.

Since I had another 30 minutes of weighting I figured that I would treat myself to a big breakfast. I walked down the stairs quietly to make sure that I didn’t wake anyone up that I didn’t already before with my door slamming.

I could smell pancakes and sausages cooking in the kitchen. Walking in I saw that it was Colten who was making that delicious smell. Cayden was on the bar stool stuffing his face. I couldn’t help it. I let out a little laugh which made them turn to me.

They both looked at me like I was high or something. “Where do you sleep Cayden? The pig pen? Because you sure eat like them.” With that I sat on the bar stool that was furthest away from him because I didn’t want to get Cayden slobber all over my school clothes.

“Haha very funny Hailey. And no I don’t make fun of Lucinda. She was my best friend.” he then started to pound his fists on the table. “Why did you have to visit the butcher Lucinda? Why?! I told you that he wasn’t a nice guy.“ he said and started to fake sobbed. This boy was seriously crazy.

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