Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“I Found the perfect one!” squealed Chelsea as she walked out of my closet. She held up a red tight fitted dress that would just hide my underwear. No way was that happening. “This one is just right for you!” she gushed. She must be higher than a kite if she thinks I am going to wear that to the party. “Don’t give me that look, just go and try it on!”

“There is now way that I am putting that thing on my body. It’ll just make me look like a walking pole dancer.” I said and cringed She burst out laughing. I was seriously getting annoyed by her, even though I didn’t know her that long.

I walked into my closet and tried to find something appropriate to wear. Looking around in the dress area I found the perfect one for a party. It was a deep grape color. It had a v-neck top. This one also had a tight bottom, but at least it went down further than the last one. I dug around a little more in the closet and found the perfect heels to match. They were open toed and the same color.

I started to walk back into my room and I saw Chelsea still laughing, but now she was on the floor clutching her stomach. People these days. When she saw me she quickly stopped laughing and stood up.

“Sorry Hailey. I just thought that you might like to wear something like this. I mean I didn’t know what you liked to wear because we have only known each other for like two days. I didn’t mean to offend you and make you look like something like that but-”

She stopped her rant and just stared at the dress that I had in my hands. “Wow. That dress is perfect for you. Not to slutty, not to good girl, just perfect.” She said and she was still staring at the dress in my hands like it was the best thing that walked this Earth. Well, it couldn’t really walk. Maybe the best thing that was seen on this Earth. Yeah, that’s better.

“You think so?” I hesitantly asked, but by the way that she described it I already knew that answer.

“Absolutely, and those heals match perfectly. Now if you would just let em do your hair and make-up then everyone would be worshiping your feet as soon as you walked into that place.”

“Thanks, and if you let me do the same to you then everyone will be dropping to the floor because you will be drop dead gorgeous. Get it?” I asked .

“Ha ha, great joke. Not. Anyway, lets get changed. The party starts in like two hours and I don’t wanna be late.” She said and grabbed her light blue dress and went into my bathroom to change.

Since she stole my bathroom I decided that my closet was big enough to change so I went in there. I slipped in the silky materiel and sipped up the sipper. Then I slipped on my heels. I decided not to look in the mirror till my hair was done. don’t ask me why, I’m just that crazy.

I went back into my room and plopped down on my bed. Just as I did this Chelsea walked out of the bathroom in her dress.

“What do you think?” she asked nervously and started to chew on her lip. The dress looked perfect on her.

“Crap Chelsea, how am I gonna top that? You look perfect.” I said. This caused her to let out a little giggle.

“Trust me Hails, in that dress you will have no problem topping this.” She motioned her hand down her body.

“Yeah yeah, whatever. Now lets get our hair and make-up done. We don’t want to be late now do we?” I walked into the bathroom and plugged in my straighter and curling iron. Chelsea followed behind me and sat down on the edge of the bathtub.

“So I was thinking that I would straighten my hair and maybe curl yours?” I asked. I wanted a change from my curly hair. The only problem was that my hair looked two times longer when I straightened it.

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