Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I woke up to a knocking on my door. I groggily mumbled a come in and sat up on my bed. In bustled Alison. She looked like she was on a mission. "Have you seen Colten? I've been calling him and looking for him but he's no where to e found. Oh, I'm sorry Hailey did I wake you?" She frantically asked.

I yawned and shook my head and smiled at her. "I should have gotten up anyway." I said and looked at the clock which read 4 pm. I was only out for a couple of hours which wasn't that bad.

"Ok dear, dinner is going to be around 5:30 tonight and were having tacos so just come down whenever. And if you see Colten tell him he is in deep crap with his mother. He was suppose to pick the twins up from preschool an hour ago." She exclaimed and left my room and slammed the door on her way out. Colten was going be in for it. Not that he doesn't deserve it.

Thinking of Colten reminded me of what happened earlier. My happy mood suddenly became dull and I don't know why. I mean he couldn't be seeing someone, could he? He at least would have told me, right? I'm pretty sure his brothers or parents didn't know because they would have at least asked to meet her or something.

I don't know why I cared so much. Maybe because he's like my brother now. Yeah that had to be it. But that doesn't matter, I was going to find out.

I got off my bed and walked into my closet. Walking up to the mirror I grabbed my brush and ran it though my hair. Then I grabbed the hair band off my wrist and gathered my hair into a pony tail. I grabbed a sweatshirt and slipped it over my tshirt.

Next, I went back into my room and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. My screen flashed that I had one new message. I punched in my password and opened my inbox. "Hey Hailey, it's Colten. Look, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about before. I have no idea why I acted like that, and your right. I should have talk to you guys more and told you about my trip. I really did miss you, Hails. I promise that when I get back we'll talk about it. Oh, and can you tell mom that I went out for a run and stopped off at the mall? Thanks Hailey, I'll see you at supper." And with that the line clicked dead.

That was a little strange, but at least I would find out what was going on with that guy. I shoved my phone in my pocket and skipped down the satires. Now, where to look for Alison. She could be anywhere in the huge house. Knowing here she would most likely be in the kitchen staring dinner.

I turned the corner into the large kitchen and found her washing a head of lettuce in the sink. I sat on the bar stool next to the counter. "Hey Alison I found out where Colten is. He left a voicemail on my phone earlier and said he went on a run and stopped at the mall to get something. He said he would be back for dinner."

Alison finished washing the lettuce and them looked up at me. "Thank goodness, but I hope that boy knows that's not getting him off the hook. The least he could do is call his mother after she calls umpteen times already. When that boy gets home he is getting and earful from me." She said as she angrily cut up the salad.

I laughed. "Have fun with that Alison. Do you need help with anything?"

"No thanks sweetie I'm just about done her. Why don't you go up and talk with the twins? They are always asking questions about you." Alison suggested.

I smile at her and hopped off my stool. Walking out of the kitchen i grabbed my phone out of my pocket and sent a text to Colten saying he better call his mom or else he's gonna be in deep shit. I found my way to the stairs and went up the steps.Looking down the hallway filled with doors and wished I had asked where Will and Cole's room was. With my knowledge if where most of the boys rooms were I concluded that their room was not on this floor. After realizing this I went up the small staircase to the next floor.

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