Skia Port

416 12 12

Jake P.O.V

'Oh my gosh! Stupid, Stupid! Stupid!' I smacked my forehead with my palm. 'Why did you say that you shouldn't have! What if he gets the wrong idea! stupid!' I mentally yelled and cursed at myself for putting ''love you" on the screen and sending it to dirk over pester chum. I truly felt embarrassed as I felt that he might not want to pick me up now. 'Calm yourself english' I told myself mentally 'you will be fine it's only dirk he won't make a big deal of out it' at least i hoped he wouldn't.

'Maybe he will he did kinda try to ask me out that one time.. NO no no no no no no no no. It won't happen it won't be a big deal you'll be fine english' I told myself wishing i hadn't put that out where Roxy could see and be like ' ooooh jakey ur crushin on dirky im soooo going to tell him!' in her teasing voice. My throat felt dry and i felt like my crying because of haw obsessively upset I was becoming over this.

"We have now arrived at Skia. All exiting passengers make sure that you grab all your luggage and everything you have brought with you."

I quietly and quickly grabbed all of my items and checked to make sure i had them all before i exited. My grandma was making a separate trip to the city of Skia. I then made my way out of the train and out to the stop. Some people were loading onto the train as others exited. Then my hand was grabbed from behind, I spun around to see a white tee-shirt with a hat on it with pale arms coming out of the sleeves looking up i saw pointy anime shades, what looked like bleach blond hair, and a pale smiling face. I looked downward to see some jeans and orange flats.

"Like what you see English." I felt my face heat up at his slight southern accent and deep voice. I practically squeaked.

" No, just..." I thought for a second, "Seeing what your wearing."

Dirk P.O.V.

Jake was all flustered when i sunk up behind him and gave him tiny little scare. Before he finished his babbling i had looked him up and down. He had short brown hair, tan skin, black rimmed glasses, a blush spread across his face, and beautiful emerald eyes. He was wearing a white tee with a green skull on it, and a green jacket on, pulse some khaki shorts, and what appeared to be hiking boots. "Come on let's get going," i said as he trailed along behind me.

I took him to the 'Strider Mobile' as for whatever reason Roxy, and Jane called it. I didn't really see how they got Jake to say it to because it was absolutely ridiculous. But I still took him to my sleek black ride with a flaming orange (color of my eyes) stripes going along it. Jake was wowed by how it looked... 'They call it that cause it looks like what a 'Strider' would use to get around' i mentally slapped myself for not realizing that sooner.

Authors' Note

I'm just going to break it off here for now I'll get back to this later. Because i'm slightly worried that my laptop is about to have a meltdown (like a nuclear one(even though it isn't nuclear)) If i don't let it cool down. 

A DirkJake FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя