Messy Apartment Room

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Jake P.O.V.

"Hey Dirk.. Could we go to your room?" I blushed.

"Sure," Dirk said and he blushed back. "Wait I-I uh have to do something somewhere quickly... I-I'll be back," He zipped off. I wondered what he was going to do. But, after a few minuets he came back.

"Hey, where did you go?"

"Nowhere important."

"Okay, let's go to your room."

"Yeah.'' We went off to his room, I ended up getting real nervous as we came closer to his room."Here we are welcome to Castle Le' Dirk."

"Alright can't say I'm not nervous." We walked in he walked in just fine showing that it was safe.. But when I walked in *squea~k*. I looked down to see this funky looking... Thing?. It confused me Dirk picked it up and tossed it in his closet.

"Please ignore that.*clears throat*" Dirk was slightly annoyed that he had missed that I guess.

Dirk P.O.V.

'Oh shit. I forgot to clean my room.' "Wait I-I uh have to do something somewhere quickly... I-I'll be back." I quickly ran off to clean my room. I grabbed all my clothes off of the floor and I shoved them in my hamper. Then I picked up all my robot parts and put them into my spare room that I had all my drawings and creations in. Next I realized how many smuppets I had I grabbed all of them in one big swoop and put them in my closet. At least I thought I had but I missed one. I noted that when Jake came into my room and stepped on it... I almost freaked out, but instead I quickly grabbed it and tossed it in the closet.

"Please ignore that," I said quietly but loud enough that he could here.

"Okay but what was that?" Jake asked wondering.

"It is," I bit my lip obviously.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to."

"Yeah I'd rather not," I said. 'yeah rather not explain what the heck it is, you don't even know yourself man!' I thought keeping it to myself. Jake went over and gave me a sweet little peck on the lips. So I kissed him back hard, but sweetly enough for it to turn to a make-out.

Roxy P.O.V.

"Come on Janey let's hang out wiv tem *with *then *then."

"Fine I'm coming. Roxy wait up and knock for once in your life!"

"Okay Janey~." I knocked once then I walked in.

"Roxy I swear you are going to get into some major trouble one of these days!" We saw Karkat and Dave gaming it appered that Dirk wasn't here so I knew tha he was in his room. Janey shut the door while I made her conclusion.

"Hey guyz werz your brothah~?"

"In his room."

"Wait this is new your apartment is clean."

"Yeah we cleaned last night cause bro came home not Dirk but bro and he made us clean he cleaned to.. So yeah nice conclusion Sherlock."

"I may be smart and I am also flattered but I don't believe I am Sherlock smart."

"Yeah, whatever," His accent shone through in the morning me and Janey were used to this by now.


"Someone's gumpy *grumpy." I chimed in happily.

"Come on Roxy let's go and get Dirk then go find Jake."

"Okay thiz wa *way." I lead he to Dirks' room. I put my ear on the door and knocked very softly so that no one on the other side could possibly hear. Then I burst into the room to see what was the im possible!

"OMG!!!!!JANEY~!! They are having total make-out." I squealed they obviously heard me and broke it up putting their regular glasses back on 'too bad they didn't mix it up" I thought sadly.

"Roxy!! What did I tell you about knocking!" Jane hissed.

Dirk P.O.V.

Me and Jake were just getting tongue into the make-out session we had started and Roxy decided to visit with her 'partner' Jane. We quickly retracted and put on our respected glasses. Roxy picing my ears with her infernal screeching. Jane tugged her out of the room and quieted her down the best she could before they came in.

"Dirk and Ja~ke sintin' in a tree K~I~S~S~I~N~G first comes-"

"Roxy cut it out!"

"Fine," Roxy looked bummed that her fun was ruined.

"I'm sorry you guys," Jane said apologizing fir Roxy who was obviously drunk, " She can be a little annoying when she gets drunk."

"Yeah I know," I said Jake was all blushed and was wimpily hiding in my shoulder snuggling his face in as far as possibly. He was a little sheepish about this 'gay' thing I guess. He was either freting over that or he was freaking out.

"We'll leave then-"

"No it's okay," I said then shook Jake to get him off my shoulder so I could talk to him and find out what he was hiding about. "Honey, what's wrong." I wispered so the girls couldn't hear

"I'm just a little nervous," he wispered," that's all."

"Okay don't worry your fine no one will hurt you as long as I'm here with you.. If your nervous enough go ahead and snuggle me for safty they are friends and true friends don't judge also I think Roxy is a little too excited about this.." He snuggled me like we were at a near death moment. I let him only because we were boyfriends afterall. I snuggled him back and gave Jane a little hand wave to know that I wanted her and Roxy to leave. She grabbed Roxy and they left my room.

Author Note

Hey sorry for the cruddy chapter and thanks for tuning in to this chapter and whatever I just didn't have loads of inspiration and I can't really write smut and I got the idea off something I saw earlier :) hoped you liked it!!! X3

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