Sloppy Make-Outs?

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Dirk P.O.V.

'Jake just went through I don't even know a mix of emotion and I just sat there not knowing what to do what kind of boyfriend am I,' I thought trying not to face-palm with a sleeping Jake in my arms. I didn't want to wake him up unless he started to...... Drool 'Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap! Damn it!' He drooled all over my favorite shirt (but you only have multiple of the same shirt) ''No I don't shut up" (Fine Mr.Grumpy....)

"Jake" I said gently,"Jake," I shook him. He groaned and rolled off the bed.


"Are you okay honey."

"Ow... I think I hit my head," It was either me or his accent got thicker. I got down on the floor on top of him and I received a kiss. "Get off me Dirk."

"No I think I'm stuck here." I laid down on top of him. "Now the attraction is too strong."

"Get off before I make you get off." He started to sound a little grumpy. So I picked him up bridle style. "Dirk put me down," He said clinging to me.

"Your wish is my command," I said and dropped him on the bed.

"Your such a dick." He said.

"Then your an ass," I said meaning it to be dirty. Jake got the jest.

"You are so dirty!" My Bro came in 'perfect timing'I thought looking annoyed. He just shut the door like he didn't hear what Jake and I said. I was sitting on his waist and he stopped trying to get me to move. Well I thought he was done, but he jutted his waist upward and humped me in a way. He did that a few times before realizing that my face was flushed and realizing what I took that for. "I-I I uh just I-uh," Jake was babbling like a buffoon. I gave him a kiss and gave him a hump back. His face was lit up on fire.

"Sloppy make-outs,'' I said and Jake nodded his head.

~~ A few sloppy make-outs later ~~

Jake P.O.V.

Dirk and I were stripped down to the skin. We were having some pretty awesome make-outs. all though I wasn't sure when we lost clothing but I don't think Dirk really knew either.We pulled apart just as my phone went off and it was my grandma calling me. If I picked up then it would be obvious that I was ding something but if I didn't pick up then she would know that I was doing something 'just say you were doing some cardiovascular workout-type thing' I thought I picked up.

"Hello grandma," I said between deep breaths.

"Hello Jake, I'm on my way and what where you doing?" She questioned my breathing.

"Nothing that important," I couldn't lie to my grandmother.

"really I'm sure you need to tell me something but tell me when I get to the apartment."

"Okay grandma," it looked like i had no choice.

"I will see you soon Jake."

"All right see you soon grandma,'' I said then she she hung up. I gave Dirk a kiss and said," I gotta get going,"

"Okay I love you," we exchanged one last kiss then I got dressed and left swiftly to get to my apartment. Luckily I hadn't forgot to set it up and it was ready for when my grandmother arrived. After a minuet of waiting outside she a taxi came over and dropped her and her luggage off at the complex. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I helped her get everything up to the room and got her settled in. After she was settled in she pulled me over so we could talk about what I was doing.

"What were you doing before I called you earlier?"

"Nothing much."

"Nothing much, so you were gasping for air for no reason?"



"I was at my......" I stopped speaking

"At where?"

"At my boyfriends' house," I mumbled.

"Jake you must speak up I can't hear you my old ears arn't as sharp as they used to be."

"At my boyfriends' apartment," I said so she could here but I was blushing.

"Well you got a boyfriend I'll have to meet him sometime. But what were you doing with him exactly." I groaned a bit at how much she wanted to know. "Jake."

".... Make-outs....."

"There that's all you had to say. Also what made you think you wouldn't have to tell me?"

"Nothing, I knew I could get nothing past you." (What about how ;) you guys made out ) 'I don't think she would like to hear that' (Yeah I know she wouldn't but she would be upset with you for sure) 'Will you go away' *Author was already gone*.

"It's getting late we should get to bed," Grandma said.

"Good night grandma," I said after tucking her into my bed, I would have to sleep on the couch.

~~ Time skip next morning ~~

I made breakfast and woke up my grandmother. "Grandma it's time to wake up."

"Okay," she said and got out of bed.

~~ After breakfast ~~

"Jake," Grandma said.

"Yes," I replied.

"Do you think I could meet that boyfriend of yours?"

"Of course," I said and smiled I hoped that Dirk would be excited to meet my grandma.

Dirk P.O.V.

Jake sent me an e-mail asking for me to come to his apartment just a few floors down from mine. So I told him I would be there ASAP. So I got dressed in my usual outfit and dashed off to his place after eating breakfast. I made it there faster because of flash-step. I knocked on the door and Jake greeted me with a smile and a quick kiss, it showed he was nervous. I followed him in and he stood me in front of his grandmother.

"So your Jacobs' boyfriend I suppose."

"Correct," I stated simply as she looked me up and down seeing if I was good for Jake I guess.

"You seem like a fine young man you'll be good for Jake," She said it like I was approved. But it didn't matter to me if I wasn't approved because then we could still date just in secret. Jake went over and gave me a hug and kiss since he was happy I was approved. "Don't you two be spit-swapin'," she said.

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