For My Friend who Annoyed Me To Do This

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I only did this for my friend so more yaoi an Kat u owe meh 1! Btw no one even has to care about this let alone read it... -_-... OH SHIT I FORGOT HAPPY 4/13/2015 PEEPS!!!! I = SUPAH HAPPY THAT THIS WAS WRITTEN AN PUBLISHED TODAY OF ALL THE DAYS!! XDDDDDD/ 8)/ :B/ :3/FJIANGOJBOUGBRU(#OVERLYHOMESTUCKEXCITED!!!!!(I'm practically barely sane right now so yeah!!!!!!!!!)) 

Jake P.O.V

I was glad that I was able to talk and stuff again. I was especially happy that Dirk and I were going on a 'romantic date' I think he said... Or he said something among the lines 'suegoi! it will be total yowie shit up in here'.. I didn't know if he was speaking german or Russian for what suegoi or yowie ment.. (Jake your so stupid it is Japanese) Shut up! Anyway I was going to meet up with him soon. We were going to meet up at Prospit Coffee Shop, where Jane worked.

~~Time Skip~~

Somehow he managed to be late... And frankly it was starting to make me want to go home since it was chilly and I wasn't used to cold weather. Then after I started walking I got a jacket draped over my shoulders. I quickly spun around nearly tripping to see Dirk. He gave me a kiss without hesitation. But I freaked out Because all of a sudden my butt hurt and I was on the ground (ice the best part of the 'colder weather' as Jake calls it or winter is coming and they get early ice cause water was spilt there over the course of last night person dropped their water bottle). I hated this 'winter' as the author calls it. Dirk was laughing at me (probably heard what the author said and knew I was fine) he was being so unkind. He didn't even help me up (such a great boyfriend you got Jake), and author for once you have a good point he was being quite rude.

"Dirk~" I whined.

"Yeeeesss," Dirk replied.

"Be a good boyfriend and help me up."

"No can do I'm streaming this to Roxy," Dirk said.


"I'm just kidding," he said finally helping me up. Once I was firmly on the ground he picked me up and ran off with me, holding me like I was... I can't remember if it was bride or groom.... Hmm, I'll find out later, BRIDE it was bride. I opened my eyes eventually I was asleep for some portion of him carrying me off. I looked around to see that I was cuddling with him under a blanket as we were sitting near a cliff and had a comfy blanket under us. I felt like a marshmallow bundled up like this! Once I figured out how to take the blanket off and took it off I was practically frozen so I went back to the heat of my boyfriend.

He started nipping at my neck and leaving little kisses and bite marks all over it <3. Then he went and started a little make out between us, and soon was nipping at my lip to gain access. Once he got it he 'explored' my mouth again and it took awhile he left no area 'unexplored'. It was getting to a point where it was harder to breath and not much O2 intake so we pulled away breathing deeply to get it back into our systems.

Soon after he was getting back to leaving more marks and bruises for people to tell I was taken. By the time he was done my pants felt tight and I could feel that his were too. Then he took it upon himself to grind down in a fashion that our members were touching. It felt nicer then what I thought it would ever. Then I felt a bit of freedom with still plenty of restraint (Dirk could use some for his sexual intentions)(True dat *puts on smug-ish smilin' face*). His was free-ish too I could tell since there was more friction. I had a warmth bundling up in my lower abdomen and it felt like it was going to explode but then it gained more pressure once then friction stopped.

"Jake you so loud I think the whole city can here you, also don't blow you top so soon," Dirk said calm and smirking. He knew that I wanted to blow off bad and that he was just teasing me and I knew that he was exceptionally hard too. Then he grinded with me once more till that point happened only this time I could hear all the moans and loud noises I was making. I wanted to suppress them but if I was making so much from friction it would be worse when we acutely did it.

Dirk swiftly pulled down my boxers and off they went. He grabbed my throbbing cock and gave a gentle jerk to it. I moaned like a bitch... 'What was the saying?... Grrr...' Aw yes a 'bitch in heat', 'I don't know what it means I'll ask Dirk, He'll know'. Anyway while that came out of me I blushed even more then I thought was possible for me. The I felt him put in one finger and my throat may have been dry but I was still feeling this pleasure so great... That I couldn't hold the warmth in and it burst out onto Dirks abdomen. He didn't seam to mind and he stuck another finger in and started scissoring about causing me to gain one more build up then he gave a kiss right on the head and my cock twitched as he did so ever gently and he gave it a little nip and a little suck with it. I was going off like a fire alarm and I couldn't stop. He retracted his fingers leaving me empty, but I knew that I wasn't going to stay that way for less then a minuet due to a lid on a bottle being opened.

I felt a cold substance go in, and I winced, then it left after being heated up a bit. Then I felt a larger than a few fingers go in and I knew that he had had his member inserted. He went in slowly then pulled out. "F-f-faster," I gasped moaning in the process. Dirk sped up and to me it felt like sex heaven. Then I felt him hit my sweet spot and the welling warmth left again as I screeched out with all the pleasure that I could feel and he just kept hitting it and hitting it. Each time my scream was louder and more passionate and every time the spot was hit I just let his name come out full volume. Eventually he came right inside me and I felt nice~. I knew that I was going to be soar for a long time. Then he jacked me off again and he carried me to his house.

~~Time Skip~~

Once Dirk arrived he yelled, " BRO! Did Dave leave yet?"

"Yeah!" Dirks' bro answered.

"YO! BRO!"


"I got a bitch pregnant nine months ago and we had a kid!"


 "I have her here and I'm going to fuck her on the couch!"

"Just don't leave a mess on the couch!"

"TOO LATE BRO!" Dirk yelled as he pulled out a bag and dumped it on the couch.

"How did you get that in there," I asked knowing it was cum.

"After you squirted I wiped it off and put it in the bag."

"That is nasty."

"No it's not you would know nasty once you've seen the stuff my bro has done in here.."

"Oh. OH!" I said and looked at him.


"Dirk I think you should clean that up."

"Never, this way." Dirk grabbed me and took me into the closet. I saw his bro go out look at the couch and laugh a bit. Then he opened the closet and looked at us.

"Nice where did you get the sperm from."

"The kid next to me," Dirk replied, and I sunk deeper into the coats.

"What kid?"

"Hmm?'' Dirk reached back and grabbed my arm went back to where I was and grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss. Once I opened my eyes I had realized he pulled me out and I quickly retreated back to hiding. Eventually dirk got me out again and this time his bro is gone and I went back to my apartment. 

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