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Dirk P.O.V.

Jake and I ended up staying in my room having loads of make-outs and being caught peeling clothing off at one point by Bro. We slept together in our boxers cuddling even if Bro said, "I don't want to catch you two together for the rest of the night." He can go suck himself because I love Jake and Bro can learn to deal like he always does. But I didn't expect for someone to show up in a certain way. Roxy came into my room about half way into the day when Jake was out hunting for a job.

"Hey Dirk. What's up doing anything... Important," She said with no problem. 'Shit' I thought I would have to get rid of her before Jake showed up then I got a message.

[GT]: Hey Dirk I found a job I going to come back to your place <3

HE had no idea she was going to be sober and what did I have to tell him. ( A/N When Roxy was sober instead of drunk she and Dirk were together and he broke up with her when she was drunk so he sober self doesn't know) Roxy was wearing a slightly slutty outfit (A/N She and Dirk had a sexual relationship).

"Roxy why are you wearing that outfit?"I asked 'but you broke up with her why would she wear that?' I questioned myself.

"Wouldn't you know?"

"Roxy what do you mean?"
"Stop acting like we're not dating."

"Roxy I broke up with you awhile ago. So yeah we're not dating."
"What?" She asked like she forgot.

"I broke up with you when Jake arrived."

"Like Jungle-Boy Jake."

"That's him."

"I don't recall him ever being here."

"Well you did see him yesterday when you were....." 'now you remember she was drunk when you broke up'

"I was what."

"The first person to see him..."

"I was drunk yesterday."

"Yeah you missed a lot. First I met Jake and I liked him. Then I broke up with you, and Jake and I got together."

"Are you serious you threw this away for a guy," She scoffed," I thought you were straight."

"Yeah well I'm not," I started to get angry at her.

"Whatever gay-boy." She really made me mad.

"What's wrong with that lesbian."

"I'm not a lesbian."

"Then why are you with Jane."

"I'm not." Bro came in knowing already that there would be trouble.

"All right break it up I don't want you too to get in a bloody battle." He escorted the sober Roxy out when the Jake came in.

Jake P.O.V.

I skipped down the hall humming excited to go and kiss Dirk. Then I saw Roxy over Dirk's Bors' shoulder and he put her down and let me in. But it was very fast so she wouldn't come in I was confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Just Roxy."

"Okay?" I was still confused I decided to go ask Dirk. "Hey love," I said giving him a kiss.

"Yes sweetie."

"Why was Roxy wearing a slut outfit and why was she here?" I looked like I had kneed him in the balls.

"I guess I don't have a choice but to say it to you right?"

"That's right," I said.

"We used to," he bit his lip,".... Date," He said slowly.

"Okay so did she think you were still with her." I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Well I did break up with her but it was when she was drunk and she didn't remember that because she is sober for once." I gave him a hug and let a few tears leave my eyes. "Don't cry please.. Shhh shh I love yu just you," He said gently,"She just didn't remember..."

"So.. Why did she wear that outfit? Was there a sexual history?"

"Yeah." We sat there for awhile (A/N Roxy chose the worst time to be sober)

A DirkJake FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora