Getting Caffine

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Dirk P.O.V.

Although I hated to admit it Jane was right I was about to throw a hissy fit. But I mean it was Roxy and she did have a tendency to make me angry she had made me quite unhappy last night before I went to bed so I was already upset and then her stepping on the thing that i hated for anyone to step on right off the bat in the morning and drawing attention from everyone to it... I hate it when shit like that happens especially if it is about people seeing my eyes and their unnatural color but my main problem was that my crush saw them...

I was pulled from my deep thought when Jane said, "hey Dirk what could I get you to drink?"

"My usual coffee," I said as calm as I could be at the time. Jane went and quickly wrote down Roxy and Jakes' orders.

Jake P.O.V .

I thought to myself what a Dirk hissy fit would be and why Jane was so frightened by it. "Hey.. Umm, Dirk what seems to be raining on your parade?" I asked without thinking.


"Well there has to be something you seem.... Upset."

"There is nothing wrong Jake just.. Stay out of it."

"So there is something wrong. You can tell me I won't judge you."

"No Jake I can't just tell you it's not your business." Jane came back with our drinks and Roxy was sleeping and drooling like a dog over someone or.... Something I guess, not like it was my buisness. 'Besides Jake you'll be fine you don't need to know everything that's going on in other peoples' minds, it's jusst not your buisness to be meddling with.' darn I hate it when I go right in the mind.

"Jakey, what'cha finkin' bout, thinking about?" Roxy questioned me.


"Really Jake," Dirk was in on it too smiling like it was payback for me being snoopy.

"Nothing," I replied slightly annoyed.

"Whatever," Dirk said.. 'Wait did he just, no, wait, yes, he totally winked at you through those stupid shades!' At least that was what I though I saw. I decided to drink some of my coffee, which was absolutly, outragously delicoues in my opinion. While everyone (me, Dirk, and Roxy) at the table finished up Dirk ended up stopping Roxy from dumping loads of 'wait what? How did she get all of that alcohol in her bag?' I had no idea but she tried putting it in on several occations.After Dirk and I finished our coffee we left Roxy in Janes' care, hopefully she won't be too bad to deal with.

"Hey, do you want to drop your stuff off at your house, or apartment? I'll drop you off." Dirk asked. I agreed and he took me to the apartment complex I would be staying at. Dirk began to laugh when I told him what the name of the apartment complex I would be staying at was called.

"What's so funny Dirk?" I questioned.

"Nothing," He said with a smile.

"Tell me."

"Fine," he stopped laughing, " it's just I'm," Dirk cracked a smile,"staying at the same apartment complex as you." We both began laughing. Then we ended up there after a short period of time after leaving Prospit Plaza. Dirk even helped me take some of my stuff up he's so nice.


I will continue to update and I'm having some real fun writing this if you are a member please leave a comment I would like to see reveiws in the comments. :)

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