Why Rom-Com Why

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Jake P.O.V.

'Oh jeez why did I have to randomly pick' I thought because Dirk wasn't making any objection I put the movie in. "Come on over here Dirk," I said to him. He came over and sat right next to me, like right next to me. I swear there was like no space between us. He gave me a kiss half way in the movie at a kissing point, It was like he knew it was coming up. I gave him a kiss back.

Dirk P.O.V.

'Here it comes the kiss part,' i thought I gave Jake a kiss on the  lips. I didn't expect him to kiss back but he did. It went from just a light little kiss to a deep one with tongue from there. We pulled away gasping for air. "I-I uh I-I,"Jake stuttered,"I didn't. mean t-to," I cut him off with a kiss. He gave me a sweet little kiss back and we made-out for awhile. We both pulled away blushing and gasping again. "Dirk can I say something weird."

"Sure," I said.

"I think I kinda like-like you."

"Same," I said feeling like my vocabulary was limited, Jake gave me another kiss. "Let's set up for the night," I said quickly. So we layed down a sleeping bag for the base layer then we piled up some blankets. After getting comfy we kissed again and snuggled. After awile we fell asleep together all snuggled up.

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