No? Yes~ Idk?

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Jake P.O.V.

(A/N clothes regenerate no jk. But they are wearing boxers... Then smut an' shit..... Then half dressed sleepy cuddles.....) 

I wasn't sure about this and Dirk wasn't too sure either from what I could tell. I looked him in the eye and said,"yes"


"Er, no.. Uh maybe. Dirk I don't know, the-this is a bit different for me I mean you would be fine but I don't know..."

"That's okay Jake... It feels right but, rushed... I don't know either man." We sat there kind of awkwardly for a few. I gave him a hug and he grabbed me by my waist to move me to his lap I didn't know what he was planning. He gave a slight tug at my boxers looking at me all most sheepishly. I gave him a kiss and a nod so he knew that I was approving of it. Dirk took off my boxers and took off his own, it felt so much colder when those went so I cuddled him close to me his warm skin pressing against mine Dirk pulled up a blanket knowing that I was getting cold.

"I love you, but please say your answer."

"Whatever you want love this is your night."

"I won't be the one losing." He had a good point there but i gave him a look in the eye stating try me. "If you insist," Dirk said calmly,"this might hurt a bit if you really want to." The wort hurt made me scared but I wasn't going to stop since we were already so far.

"I believe I'm ready." I wasn't sure if I was ready he gave me a kiss. I was certain he could tell that I was unsure. He pulled me in one more time before he got up and went to the bag of whatever he had brought along for 'just in case measures' as I remember him saying. I had wondered waht he had pakced but he told me to stay out of it and that is what I did. I could see a some extra clothes and some bathroom stuff and he pulled out a certain tube.

'I wonder what that is' I thought. He walked back over. "What's that?" I asked not expecting him to answer.

"Lube," a blush escaped to the surface of his cheeks. I honestly didn't get it until I thought about it for a few. Then my eyes widened after I placed my finger on what it was now having so many questions on what he was going to do.

"Is that why you didn't want me rooting through the bag? Is there anythin' else in there?"

"Yes and no," He blushed a bit more when I asked if he had any other items.

He opened up the bottle and put some on his fingers and spread it out evenly. He put one finger in and moved it around. "Dang Jake loosen up. Your like a corset tight and restricting." I wasn't going to question Dirk on what that was I would ask him later.

"Yeah I guess I am," I said nervously laughing. He put in a second finger and scissored about in the space he was given. Then he hit a spot where a let out a moan, I blushed. He seemed to make a mental note about where he had hit.  Dirk brushed it again and I moaned softly, causing my face to become an even deeper shade of red then it already was. Then he pulled his fingers out and I felt empty.

I heard him squirt more of the lube out of the bottle. Dirk rubbed it on in that certain area from what I could tell I knew where that was going. He told me to spread my legs I listened to his instructions. Dirk lined himself up with me and he slowly went in. He grabbed my member and stroked it in tune with his trust pattern that he started. I felt the pressure that was building up.

"Dirk~" I said telling him I was close. He put his mouth over my head and I released.

"Jake~" he said before he released in me 'gross' I thought. Dirk caught the most of mine in his mouth but it took him a little while to get it all down. He sighed and laid down with me and tried to give me a kiss.

"No you smell like cum," I joked,"But for real clean your mouth if your going to kiss me," I said. We both got up and put on our boxers. and I put on a white tee with an orange hat on it I knew that I put on Dirks' shirt and he put on mine. Then we both went and brushed our teeth I made sure Dirk brushed extra well knowing what he had in his mouth. The I took him back to my room.

"I love you," I nuzzled my nose into the nape of his neck.

"I love you more~" Dirk said teasing me.

"No, I love you more," I said.

"I love you more than the universe."

"I love you more than fifty universes."

"I love you past infinity and beyond." I knew I couldnt beat that so I just gave in and gave him the kiss he wanted with tounge and all. He picked me up bridal style and put me down on my bed. We sleepily ended up spooning each other in a weird but comfterble way.



"Do most people ignore rules and orders?"

"Sometimes it depends on the person and the circumstance." I nibbled on his neck.


"Yes Jake?"

"What's a corset?"

"It was a thing women wore to make them look skinnier in dresses. It's also not something that people use anymore because corsets were very tight and constricting."

"Okay." I snuggled him up and we fell asleep twisted in the sheets and blankets.


Yay another chapter finished please tell me your opinions on the smut part because I'v never written smut before :p I feel great for spending my time listening to music on YouTube now because it helped my creative flow thank you nightcore and Animals by Maroon 5.

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