Mornin's An' Accents

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Jake P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning not really remembering what happened last night. I opened up my eyes and I looked around to pick up my glasses. I felt something pull me back to bed it was warm and made me feel fuzzy. I looked to confirm that the warm thing that pulled me back was Dirk.

I put my glasses back on the nightstand and climbed back into bad giving him a hug. He just looked like a giant lump in my sea of blankets. I tried to pull him out of the blankets and instead of that happening he pulled me into the blankets. Dirk pulled me into a kiss and he held me there for awhile.

"Mm- D-Dirk," I pushed him off,"I need air I didn't expect you to do that."

"Whatever," he mumbled.

 "Dirk what are you doing?" He hummed lightly. Dirk was a year older and a bit heavier then I was so I couldn't push him off of me. He wasn't a morning person from what I could tell about him. Dirk fell asleep on top of me so his weight just fell on top of me. He was surprisingly heavy for such a skinny person, but I guess he must have some raw muscle for being so heavy.

At least that's haw I thought of it as... Then I saw him open his eyes they were still as beautiful as ever just like a sunset that you wanted to see forever that you wished would never go away.

"Jake," Dirk said softly,"don't wake me up so early in the," he yawned,"Morning."

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly, "but I'm a bit of a morning person love."

"Just don't."

"All right your wish is my command," I giggled a bit.

"Don't be cheesy I prefer smooth things not chunky." He made a terrible joke, and I didn't think he would so it took me by surprise.

"That was a bad joke I didn't think you would say something like that."

"Well you know I'm not one to be up so that may e'plain it," his accent was displayed to me for the first time. It was probably because he was speaking at a regular volume level.

"Say that again."

"Y'all heard what I said."

"No I didn't."

"Go back to bed."

"Whatever cowboy," I said jokingly.

"What," he cleared his throat realizing it," what?" I giggled a bit. "Shut up!"

"I can't," I started laughing," it was too cute." His face was flushed and he covered it up with the palm of his hands. My grandma walked in.

"What's with all the racket in here?" She could see me laughing and Dirk blushing about something.

"H-*Laughs* he *laughs* I-I,"

"My accent was a pain and showed up this morning."

"I don't see what's wrong with that dear."

"Grandma he said 'y'all' and it was adorable."

"So you started to laugh."

"Yeah," I finished giggling. Dirk let out a small groan when I finished laughing.

"I think he's embarrassed. Jake you should apologize and I'll make breakfast."

"Okay grandma." She left. "Dirk are you all right."

"No. The stupid accent came through and I thought it wouldn't it is such a pain you don't even know yet. Jake trust me when you start talking like everyone else and your accent shows up no matter how cute it is it will be a pain."

"But, I like your accent it's cute 'cowboy'." I started to giggle.

"You know what Jake."


"You giggle like a little girl." He gave me a kiss. I gave him one back just to let him know that I was fine with being a 'little girl'.

"Let's go get breakfast."

"Okay," Dirk said and picked me up bridal style.

"Put me down," I wined.

"No way princess." So he took me out and sat down at the table making me sit on him.


Meh~ :p I didn't know what to write so yay I might consider this done so eh. I don't want it to be done but I can't think of anything so like leave a comment or tell me if I should write a different story all together.... So yeah leave an idea/comment. I wrote another fanfic... :D

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