Breakfast Yes? No?

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Author Note

I guess I'll add another chapter my mind is more in place today for this. But also check out my other story (I wants reads). Also this takes place before Jake or his grandma knows about his little peanut allergy..

Jake P.O.V.

"Put me down," I sad

"That's not possible princess 'cause then you would fall and get hurt," Dirk said countering the fact that he could put me down if he wanted to.

 "I'll be fine."

"No you won't. Besides you'll get put down once we get to your table to eat."

"I want down now you... you..."

"Can't think of anything?"

"Shut up you rascal!.. And put me down!" My face was red.

"Just give me a few," Dirk gave me a kiss and pulled out a chair at the table while my grandma made some breakfast. He  sat me down on his lap and pulled me close so he could move the chair forward so I couldn't escape his grasp.

"Here are your pancakes," my grandma said,"there's a little surprise in them."

"Cool," I said as Dirk took a bite out of his.

"Peanut butter chips nice touch."

"Thank you now eat up boys."

"Thanks grandma I'm sure that the pancakes will be great."

I took a bite chewed it up and then once I swallowed I felt like... I was choking? After that I kinda passed out.

Dirk P.O.V.

"Thanks grandma I'm sure that the pancakes will be great," Jake said as he took a bite out of his cakes. From what I could tell it sounded like it went down the wrong pipe. Then I looked at him swelling up 'holy shit' I thought as I swallowed my pancake. His grandma was shocked and scared about what had happened to Jake. So I picked him up and ran off to get to the hospital.

~~Time Skip to Hospital~~

I was flipping my shit when I rushed in and people kinda freaked out and stuff for my luck the hospital was empty and the nurses took and rushed off with Jake to deal with it but first they asked what had happened, " Did he get stung by a bee or did he eat something...."

"Peanut butter," I huffed out.

"All right girls lets go," the nurse said and the nurses went to go and treat Jake.

~~Time Skip to When Jake is Better~~

I saw Jake begin to wake up. "Jake," I said softly.

"Mm," He clenched his eyes together than opened them squinting trying to adjust to the light. "What happened? Where am I? Am I dead?"

"Jake your fine you just had a peanut allergy, and your alive in the hospital," I said giving his a kiss on the forehead. "I love you~" I said giving him more kisses.

"I love you too," Jake said back and we were exchanging kisses before Jake's grandma came in.

"Is he awake?" She questioned.

"I'm up,"He said, yawing after doing so.

"Are you ok does your head hurt does anything feel usual?"

"No everything is in place... I think. " I gave Jake another kiss and he tried to pull me closer but he was a little to weak to pull that off. So I hopped up onto the bed so we could continue and he seemed to just love the fact that we were together like this. He pulled away blushing at what he had done in front of his grandma.  It didn't really matter to me but Jake was still a little bit shy to being gay.

Jake P.O.V.

I was slightly freaking out that I kissed in front of my grandma, which I felt more freaked about this then the time I nearly had sex in front of her [[Best statement in the whole story is this one.. This beats everything but the spitswapin' would of won (Best statement in story) if it weren't for this statement]].

It was stupid for me to freak out because I kind of needed to get one from my boyfriend and everything. Also I guess I wasn't going to be so much 'let's kiss in public' type of deal if I couldn't do it in front of one person... Then again it could be that she is a person I know, at least that's what I learned from reading books that Rose sent me to read when I was still on the island.

((Rose is Roxy's' little sis in this, also Jade is Jake's' cousin, and John is Jane's cousin... So yeah Rose one time heard Roxy's' pester-chum go off and was going to tell her friend that she was sleeping from being drunk. Instead she got interested in what Jake was saying because it was so weird and she sent him her chum handle and they became friends.... *Jazz hands* back stories *finishes jazz hands*.)) 

I still was a little freaked about the peanut thing and everything I was glad I learned that before I went to this place called 'high school' I think it was called that. I was planning on packing my lunch and for a sandwich I would make PB&J now I see that would have been a horrible mistake. Also I think it would have drawn lots of attention.

I read in one of the books that attention in high school is a terrible thing, and if it happens nothing good comes out of it. My throat was a little soar so I didnn't plan on speaking because well, it hurt. I learned that when I tried to say, 'Dirk I love you' but instead I went, "Di- *coughing fit*"

"Jake are you okay," Dirk had come over to my side and I was holding my throat, Then the doctor? Is it doctor? Whatever the person came in.

"You shouldnn't talk for awhile it'll hurt your throat or it will swell up again," He said calmly. I was considering to say, 'but I love talking and I love to talk to my boyfriend.'

"How long?" Dirk asked.

"About a day or two whenever his throat stops hurting," the doctor said.

"Good I was worried for a second there," my grandma said.

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