Chapter 4

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Hey guys so I'm updating again because I got my friends reading this!! Haha I'm evil! Lol so thanks for all the reads so far, you guys are pretty darn cool, so please keep sharing so I can get even MORE reads!! I want this fanfic on the Wattpad Popular Page for FanFiction!! K Thanks! Here's where the story takes a quick turn!


Chapter 4

(Jazz's POV)

"Oh, come on, they're just friends!" I whispered to Adam. We had moved into a hallway to have a private conversation out of the boys' earshot. It didn't matter. They were too absorbed in reading all the things their fans tweet them. It was interesting. They read every single tweet, and wished they could respond, but didn't because that would be a LOT of tweets.

"Jazz, you are so blind sometimes! Clearly Niles and Henry are hitting on you!" Adam protested, looking at me in a way I had never seen. With...anger.

"Niall and Harry. And I don't care. Honestly, I just want to be with you," I tried to comfort him.

"Too bad," Adam growled. He stomed back into the living room, grabbed his jacket, and left. I just sat there for a little bit, feeling my eyes begin to water. Are Adam and I...over?

I heard footsteps coming towards me, so I turned around. Whoever it was is not allowed to see me cry.

"Oh my God, Jasmine? Are you okay?" It was Harry. He turned my chair around so I faced him. I looked up, and my tears couldn't handle it anymore. They just poured over.

(Harry's POV)

Jasmine just kept crying and crying and we gave her tissues and sat her with us in the living room, trying to get her to talk to us. It's not like she would. I mean, we just met her yesterday. The boys just had her over to be friendly. Well, not for me. I would love to have her over any day.

"I guess we just dated because we had some sort of connection. We were both traumatized. We both survived the crash. We both lost all our friends except for each other. I feel like maybe that was the only reason we even dated. I don't even think I loved him," Jasmine continued, her tears subsiding a little.

"It's okay. At least you two can still be friends, right?" I tried hard to comfort her. It wasn't easy.

"I don't think so. He probably really loved me and I broke his heart in half, because he realized I don't love him back," Jasmine kept going on. The tears were coming back.

"No, no, no. Don't say that. He's missing out of one heck of a girl if he's letting you go," Liam comforted her. I nodded to her so she knew she could trust Liam's wisdom.

"But I'm not even beautiful! I'm fat and handicapped, and I can't even finish my high school year! I'm a freaking drop out! I can't go to college, or follow my dreams. How many singers do you know that are in wheelchairs?" she cried. Wrong. She's beautiful. And perfect. And she would do so much for the world to be an extremely popular handicapped singer.

"Shut up, Jazz. You're extremely gorgeous. And if you're calling your perfect self fat, then I am obese. Seriously, Jazz. You just think you know. You have no idea," Niall grabbed her hand and held it. Back off, Horan.

"Yeah, and you could definitely get a record deal. I mean, if your voice is as good as Adam said it was. I'm sure it is, though," I spoke softly to her, knowing it would calm her down.

"You think so?" she asked me, hope springing into her eyes.

"Of course. Why don't you sing for us now. We could even get you signed with Uncle Simon!" Zayn suggested. She shook her head.

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