Chapter 27

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Here is where it gets interesting...


Chapter 27

(Jazz's POV)

We had gone home to New York after a lovely honeymoon in Paris, and I had a huge headache.

"Come on, Mrs. Horan, let's get you to bed," Niall picked me up and carried me to our bed. I lay down, and fell asleep almost immediately. I dreamt of how even though Niall and I have only been married for a little over two weeks, our marriage was going to be perfect. I couldn't wait until our anniversaries, our children, our retirement, growing old together, and finally, staying together forever in heaven.

' ' ' ' ' '1 1/2 MONTHS LATER' ' ' ' ' '

I woke up, and sprinted to the bathroom. I threw up everything I had in my stomach, as I gripped the sides of the toilet. It was fowl and I felt even more sick after I had finished. Soon, I heard the lamp beside Niall's side of the bed turn on, and Niall walked in in his pajamas.

"Sweetie, I think you need to go see a doctor," Niall told me. I nodded, still leaning over the toilet. I've been sick this entire week. I've been extremely nauseous, and I'm always vomiting. It's worse that the normal stomach virus, though.

That day, Niall set up an appointment to see our doctor. He offered to see us that same day, and we packed up our things, and went out to see him. Walking into the clinic, I felt scared, and my stomach was doing flips, and not only because I'm sick. We went into a room after they weighed me and took my blood pressure, and I sat down.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Horan," Dr Johnson greeted us.

"Hello," I replied, trying to force a friendly smile on my face.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that we want to do a pregnancy test. We are fairly sure that you're pregnant, but we want to be positive," he smiled and nodded. I felt my heart race beat rapidly. Pregnant?!

"Well, how did you assume that she's pregnant?" Niall asked the doctor, clearly curious.

"All of the symptoms you listed over the phone were pretty on the spot to symptoms of being pregnant. Also, her weight has increased, even though I know Jazz keeps her weight down by doing dancing for her concerts," the doctor elaborated. Niall turned to me and gave me a thumbs up. The doctor left to get me a cup to pee in or something, and I turned to Niall in fear.

"Niall, what if I'm pregnant?" I asked him. I was panicking.

"Then, you're pregnant! We get to have a child, and he or she will be ours. Don't worry, Jazzy, I'm going to be here for you through all of it," Niall comforted me. Right then, a nurse came back with a cup, and guided me to the bathroom where I would do my business. I did exactly what she told me, put the cap back on, and gave it to her. She took it to a lab or something, and told me I could go back to Niall. We waited there for a while, before the doctor came back.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Horan, you are officially going to be parents in about 8 months!"





Stuck In Time - A One Direction FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz