Chapter 15

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Hey babes! I'm finally updating! So I've just finished planning out this fanfiction, chapter by chapter, so it should go smoothly, and I will never have to worry about Writer's Block! YAY! That is honestly the worst. If you write, you know. So, from here on out, it will be a bunch of drama and maybe a couple of cliffies here and there! Who knows? ;) Alrighty, here you go! Please enjoy!


Chapter 15

(Jazz's POV)

"Hey, Niall, can I please play Temple Run on  your iPhone? I can't find the charger to my phone, and my fingers have been dying to play!" I begged Niall, giving him my best puppy dog eyes, that I have been told are irresistable.

"Oh, come on, Jazz, just use my charger!" Niall protested, keeping his phone locked between his hands.

"Do you know how much effort it takes to roll all the way to our room, and all the way back here to the couch?" I asked, my face completely serious. It was very true, using a wheelchair was extremely exhausting, but as a plus side, I never had to workout.

"I still don't want you to use my phone!" Niall whined. I quickly snatched it with my tiny hands, and rolled as fast as I could to our room. I locked the door, and immediately heard Niall banging his fists on the door. "This isn't funny, Jazz!"

I giggled, as I unlocked the phone to open onto Niall's recent messages with Liam. I got kind of curious, so I read what was displayed on the screen.

From: Daddy Direction

You're going to have to tell her sometime or another, so might as well do it quickly. After all, it's just going to end up worse if you wait any longer.

To: Daddy Direction

I know, I just...don't know how to break the news to her...

 I was 100% sure they were talking about me. Tell me what? Break what news to me? Oh my God. Niall wants to break up with me. I knew this was going to happen! Niall is perfect. A little TOO perfect. There is no way that anyone can have a perfect relationship. It's impossible. Yet I'm having one right now. Well, I WAS. Now, it's all coming crashing down on me, because Niall doesn't really love me. He lied. HE LIED.

All these thoughts were racing through my mind, as my heart beat faster than Niall was banging on the door. I couldn't tell him what I had seen. I clicked the home button, and then Temple Run. I opened the door, and clicked the lock button.

"Here you go," I said with a cheery voice, trying to hide the despair inside.

"What was that for?!" Niall asked me, out of breath.

"I felt like annoying you," I replied, giving him a huge smile, so that he knew that I annoyed him out of love. I shouldn't be doing this. I should ask him. Even though I shouldn't have read those texts in the first place.

"You okay?" Niall asked. Oh my God. He knows. HE KNOWS.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him innocently. I need him to think I'm clueless. At least when he breaks up with me, I'll be prepared.

"I don't know," Niall shrugged it off, and turned around to head back into the living room. I took a deep, silent sigh. "So what do you want to do today?"

"How does a lazy day sound?" I asked Niall.

"Sounds good! You want to turn on the television and skim through the channels to see what's on?" Niall suggested. I couldn't have said it better myself. I gave him a nod, to show that I loved the idea. We turned on our television, to find BCC on. It was one of Gordon Ramsay's shows, so we watched, laughing at the incompetent people he was teaching how to cook.

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