Chapter 23

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Hey guys! Lol updating again!!!!! OKAY here it is! (Btw, this format is going to be a bit different from the normal one.


Chapter 23

(Jazz's POV)

I rolled down the busy and rainy streets of Japan, just enjoying the loveliness of being in another country. Danielle was with me, and we were planning on going to a restaraunt to try some foreign food.

(Niall's POV)

I was goofing around with the boys in the rain. We were walking down the street in Japan! It was really cool. Suddenly, my stomach growled. And the lads heard it, too.

"I think I'm getting kind of hungry, too," Zayn commented.

"Me, too," Harry said, grabbing his stomach dramatically.

"I propose that we go out for foreign food!" Louis proclaimed, sticking his index finger in the air  like a king giving a decree.

"I agree! How about we go to this one?" Liam suggested. It was a nearby restaraunt that smelled really good. We all hurried inside.

(Jazz's POV)

I was drinking my steaming hot miso soup with eel. It sounds gross, but it actually tasted quite delicious. Danielle was eating some kind of sushi that looked kind of nasty, but according to her, was very good. I saw a group of obnoxious teenagers walk in, and Danielle noticed them, too.

"Maybe we should leave," she suggested. I nodded. There was going to be no way for me to eat with people like that. Ugh. So annoying.

(Niall's POV)

We all came into the restaraunt yelling and horsing around. Liam was trying his hardest to keep us calm, but we were just so hungry. We ordered as much as we could, and as we waited for our food, I saw someone out of the window, and almost passed out.

(Jazz's POV)

"JAZZ!" I heard my name being yelled from behind me. Assuming it was a fan, I turned around. But it wasn't. It was Niall.

(Niall's POV)

"Niall?" she asked in disbelief. I saw that Danielle was with her. She walked off to go talk to Liam, and then it was just me and Jazz.

(Jazz's POV)

"Jazz, I never should've asked to take that break. That was the stupidest decision," Niall told me. It was pouring. My hood fell from my head, but I didn't care. Niall was already soaked.

(Niall's POV)

"I should've called you," Jazz spoke softly. Her curls were getting wet, and straightening out a little from the rain. I looked into those gorgeous brown eyes of hers, and felt the love all over again.

(Jazz's POV)

"I love you," Niall said simply.

"I love you, too," I said back. Niall grabbed my waist, and pulled me out of my wheelchair so I stood up with his support. His lips crashed onto mine. I kissed him right back. Right in the middle of Japan in the pouring rain. We didn't pull apart for a while. I kissed him with all the passion inside of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and made the kiss even deeper. His arms tightened around my waist to support the dead weight of my legs.

Finally, we pulled apart, and we were both panting.

"I love you," I repeated. Niall and I just stood there, hugging each other. I felt myself becoming weak, and Niall sat me back down into the wheelchair. He pushed me back into the restaraunt, and I was more than grateful to see my four brothers greeting me.

''''''''''''''**TWO MONTHS LATER**'''''''''''''''

"Babe, I'm home!" I called out, walking for the first time in a year. I was struggling with it.

"Let me see you!" Niall called from our bedroom. He walked out quickly, and saw me standing up. He ran to me, and gave me a big hug. "You have no idea about how glad I am that you went through with that surgery."

"Yeah. I was kind of scared at first, but now I'm glad I did," I smiled at him, putting my tongue in between my lips. Now that I was standing, I realized that I wasn't that much shorter than Niall. I had come home from the hospital after a surgery I had two days before. Niall had visited me constantly, but he couldn't take me home for some strange reason. The surgery was on the nerves in my spine connected to my legs. Apparently, I had incomplete paraplegia.

It means that the nerves were only partially damaged, and that they could be fixed. Now that I had the money, I could finally walk.

"I have a surprise for you," Niall giggled like a little boy. He covered my eyes, and brought me into our room. I opened my eyes to see my parents standing there.

"MUM! DAD!" I screamed with excitement. I walked as fast as I could, and gave them both hugs.

"Do you know how happy we are that you can walk?" my mother asked me. I smiled at her.

"I'm happy, too. I can finally do things on my own," I smiled. In 6 months, I'll be allowed to run, exercise my lower body, and have the ability to leave PT. I'll have to wait about 3 months until I can wear heels, though.

"We are so proud of you, sweetie. You've been through so much, and finally, you've gone through with a dangerous surgery. And you can manage having a boyfriend, and a stressful career. You truly are a hero," my dad told me while giving me a hug.


Who liked this chapter?! I know I did! :D She and Niall are back together, and she can walk again!!!!!!! I'm siced, too!!!! NAZZ FTW!!!!!!!! This is for you, Nazz shippers. You go, Nazz shippers.



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