Chapter 13

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Hey loves! I'm trying my hardest to update frequently, but if you follow me on Twitter, you know I've been having six hour rehearsals three days every week, and on top of that, I have piano and a lot of schoolwork this semester, so yeah, sorry about not updating very often, but I try my hardest! Anyways, please enjoy this next chapter!!


Chapter 13


(Jazz's POV)

"I want to move in with you," Niall spoke softly. I smiled at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You sure you want to?" I asked him. I want him to live with me, obviously, but I'm sure he'll be just as homesick as I was when I first moved to New York.

"Of course. I can't stand visiting you only once a month. I need more time with you, Jazz," Niall hugged me back. He wrapped his arms all the way around my waist so that my entire body was inside his arms. I felt so secure and loved in Niall's arms. More than Harry loved me. I know it sounds crazy to measure love, but I know Niall loves me more than anyone ever could. And I love him right back.

"Okay, then. When are you planning on moving in?" I asked him. We were still in our embrace.

"How's two weeks from now?" Niall asked for my opinion. he rested his chin on my head, and I had to giggle.

"Anytime you want," I smiled. I knew he couldn't see my smile, but I smiled anyways.

"Great. So what do you want to do for my last night here? I have to go back to England to start packing up my stuff tomorrow afternoon," Niall spoke a bit louder, and he was still hugging me, but now, he was looking at me.

" want to go get pizza?" I asked hopefully. New York style pizza is the best.

"You read my mind," Niall smiled and laughed. He gave me a swift kiss on the forehead, and we left the living room to get our jackets and shoes on. November in New York was freezing. I was a bit curious about how January would be in New York.

Niall pushed me outside of my flat, and into the elevator. When we reached the lobby, the paparazzi was there taking a thousand pictures and asking us questions.

"Jazz, is it true that you are quitting your career of singing?"

"Of course not! I love my job!"

"When are you releasing your new album?"

"Next February. I'm almost done recording everything."

"Niall, is it true that the band is splitting?"

"We would never split up!"

We just left after answering a few questions, and went to the nearest New York style pizza place. We ordered a large pizza, and shared it. It was so good, but the pizza was humongous and we had to take some with us. On our way out of the restaraunt, we signed a few autographs and took a few pictures.

"Jazz...." a man asked me.

"Would you like an autograph?" I asked him in a friendly voice.

"I can't believe you don't recognize me," he spoke. I looked at him closely. Oh. My. God. Adam.

"Adam...?" I asked him, and he nodded. I gulped. Niall came up from a few fans.

"Come on, Jazz, are we going home or not?" he asked me. He looked up to see who I was talking to. His jaw clenched tightly and his eyes shot threatening looks to Adam. "What are you doing here?"

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