Chapter 14

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Wow, I'm updating much earlier than I thought, but whatever! Please, enjoy(:

P.S. This chapter is mostly filler on Nazzy romantic moments ;)

P.P.S. Carry is Cat and Harry.

P.P.P.S. Rebecca is Cat's younger sister, and they live together with Niall's cousin, Hallie.


Chapter 14

(Jazz's POV)

"I can't do it!" I giggled. Niall was sitting behind me, and was trying to teach me how to play the guitar.

"Yes you can! Come on, just this one last chord!" Niall laughed in my ear. I giggled, and he moved my fingers to the correct places, but when I strummed, it sounded really weird. It was high-pitched at squeaky, and it made Lucky bark. He had grown a lot these past couple of months, and was becoming even more of a handful. Niall and I loved him so much, though. "I think you've finished your guitar lesson for the day."

Niall gave me a swift kiss, then put his guitar back in its case.

"How about we watch a movie? You pick this time," I suggested. Niall nodded, and we turned on the Xbox Niall brought, and clicked on the Netflix app.

"Ooh! Can we watch Insidious?" Niall asked. I nodded, even though I can't stand scary movies. "That's okay with you, right?'

"Yeah," I lied. On the inside, I was dreading when we would watch the movie.

"I know you don't like horror. If you get scared, just close your eyes. I'm right here," Niall comforted me. I sighed, and he started the movie. It didn't take long for me to get scared. I closed my eyes constantly, and everytime, Niall just pulled me closer, and kissed my forehead lovingly. By the time the movie was over, I was basically on top of Niall, and I was too tired for words. I had my eyes closed, and I was breathing peacefully.

I was about to get up, when Niall picked me up and carried me to our room. He lay me down on our bed, and I opened one of my eyes to see Niall changing and brushing his teeth. I smiled to myself. He was too adorable. Pretty soon, he was next to me. He thought I was still sleeping.

"She's so cute when she's sleeping," Niall whispered to himself, as he played with my hair.

"You treat me like a baby," I mumbled. Niall stopped curling my hair, and I knew he was embarrassed.

"That's because you are my baby," Niall kissed my cheek, and turned off the lamp on his nightstand. I just lay in his arms all night, thinking about how blessed I am to have Niall in my life. So far, my second shot at life was much better than the first.

(Niall's POV)

"What do you want to do today?" Jazz asked me, as she served me pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on the side.

"I want to be alone," I said as I stuffed my face with the food Jazz gave me.

"Oh..." Jazz said softly. She looked upset. I just realized what I had said, and corrected myself.

"You do realize I meant be alone with you, right?" I laughed. Jazz looked relieved.

"Well, at about 3:00, I have to go to the studio to record my last song, but we can spend the rest of the day together!" Jazz spoke happily, trying to imitate my Irish accent.

"You really need to work on that Irish accent of yours," I teased her. I had lied. She was actually really good at imitating me. It was because we spent almost every minute together. I decided to tease her again. "Hey, you're Peruvian, right?"

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