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This has been such a rollercoaster for us, guys. I'll miss this part of the story, but it'll always been in our memory. Don't worry, I'll update More Than Enough (the sequel) as soon as possible. I love you guys for reading this. <3

Song Quote of the Day:

Anywhere you go, anyone you meet

Remember that your eyes can be your enemy

I said well hell is so close and heaven's out of reach

But I ain't giving up quite yet, I've got too much to lose


Chapter 44

(No's POV)

Hey, guys. This is the last time I'll be addressing you. I've been observing Jazmine and Niall for quite a while now. I guess you could say that it's emotional for me to be saying goodbye to you. Despite their ups and downs, the story has ended well, I guess. Now is the time when I will continue to explain every character and what happened in the end.

Niall is still in love with Jazz, and cares deeply for Vivian and Liam K. Liam K stayed cancer free, so Niall and the rest of the band got back together. He still sings and plays guitar, and he still eats plenty.

Jazz loves Niall back with all of her heart, and of course loves both of her children. Two years after One Direction got back together, Jazz had a very high fever on tour and got extremely sick. She was told that it was caused by the stress of the tour. That was the last time she ever performed. Touring had become too much. She didn't even release albums anymore, but was still happy being a stay-at-home mom with Vivian and Liam K. She still sings, though.

Liam K, as mentioned earlier, stayed cancer free for years to come. He and Darcy stayed best friends through primary and secondary school. He kept reading, and discovered that he wanted to be an author when he grew up. He was the smartest out of all of his friends, of course.

Vivian developed a gospel-like voice at age four. It was surprising to everyone. She sang everywhere, but mostly at the church that she attended. She sang with the adults, because she had a more developed voice than the other kids. She could play any instrument that she could get her hands on. Piano, guitar, flute, bass, you name it.

Harry and Cat stayed married, still in love. He spoiled Darcy too much, and still loved her to pieces. Of course, he wanted more kids, but Cat refused to have any more.

Cat loved Harry with all her heart forever, and was perfectly content with Darcy as her only child. When she gave birth to her, it was too painful, and knew that she probably wouldn't survive giving birth to another child.

Darcy developed extreme soccer skills, but never really sang. She didn't really want to, and didn't let Cat and Harry listen to her sing. She always wanted a little sister, but never got one. She developed a deep friendship with Liam K, and gave him a nickname (LiLi).

Liam still loved Danielle, Emilia, Aria, and Sofia (obviously). He spent most of his time with Sofia, though.

Danielle continued dancing until she broke her ankle while dancing in heels just after Sofia was born. She never danced again. At all.

Emilia took after her mother, and became a dancer. The only difference, she did much more hip hop. She looked like her mother, also.

Aria also took after Danielle, but did more ballet. She was a very serious girl, and was always very dedicated. She looked like Danielle and Emilia.

Sofia was the only one of her sisters who decided not to dance. She was more of a singer, but didn't like to do much of it, despite her soft and soothing voice.

Zayn loved Perrie, Paul, Eva, Wayne, and their newborn, Scarlett. Eventually, the cigarettes got to his voice, so he decided to quit for good. When Paul was first born, he had almost completely quit. He finally quit, though.

Perrie kept singing, and her and Little Mix still tour. She began to get self-concious, though, because the fans began to notice the fact that she was gaining a little weight. After giving birth to four children, she never went back to her slim figure.

Paul was a rebellious kid, who sang, but not anything his parents wanted. He preferred skipping school constantly and getting bad grades. He took after Perrie's looks, but dyed his hair black for rebellious purposes.

Eva was a studious and dedicated little girl who looked just like Zayn, but like a girl. She was quite popular with the guys at her school. Interestingly enough, though, she had no talent in singing whatsoever.

Wayne also took after Zayn, but sang like Perrie. He loved singing during every second of every day. He wanted to be classically trained, so Zayn and Perrie sent him to a school specifically to train boys how to sing classically for the theatre.

Scarlett looked up to Paul more than she should have, and also became rebellious. She also took after Perrie's looks, but didn't have her hair color. She hated music, and anything school-related. Or that was what she told people. She actually loved singing, and math specifically. She wrote songs about everything.

Louis obviously kept loving Eleanor, Mary Anne, Le, and Deka even though his children weren't really of blood to him. He treated them all like his own, and Mary Anne still thought that she was theirs.

Eleanor stayed as a stay-at-home mom for her kids, and was always with Jazz, since both of them never worked.

Mary Anne, like previously stated, still believed that she was the real child of Louis and Eleanor. She became more of an actress, though.

Le became a model  for several magazines, but still kept herself pure and divine. She was truly a sweet girl, and always loved life.

Deka became an excellent drummer, and kept it that way by practicing all of the time, to Eleanor and Louis' protests. They still obviously loved him, though.

That's just about it. So, I guess this is goodbye. I mean, unless you want to continue on a journey with me. It's your decision if you want. This time, I'm going to focus more on Darcy and Liam K, though. See you there, guys. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I love you? Well, I do. Bye.


So, how is it? Good? Who's going to read the new fanfiction? I know I will! Wait..uh...what? Nevermind. Bye, loves. Stay beautiful!

Love forever and always,


'~*'~*'~*'~*'~*'~*END OF STUCK IN TIME'~*'~*'~*'~*'~*'~*

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