Chapter 25

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Hey guys! So I went to the hospital yesterday and got an X-ray on my right knee, because I've been having some really bad knee pains lately. Turns out, it isn't the bone, but it's most likely the muscle or ligament, so I have to be bedridden for 5 days. If the pain continues, then I have to go back for an MRI. :( Let's hope that I'll be better by next Wednesday :) Enough about me! Here comes the Nazz nuptial preparations!


Chapter 25

(Jazz's POV)

"Come here, babe, it's fine," Niall tried to comfort me.

"Not it's not! Eleanor has answered none of my calls! How am I going to find another bridesmaid?!" I whined. All of this wedding planning is getting to me. It's so stressful! Who knew?!

"Well, who else are you close with?" Niall asked me. Only one person came to mind. Hallie.

"Well, I could ask Hallie," I shrugged. Niall nodded.

"See? Problem solved!" Niall clapped. I sighed, and turrned over so that my back was to Niall. "We have a big day tomorrow. We're supposed to pick up your dress, order the flowers, the cake, and then inform everybody about the rehearsal dinner for next week."

"Okay, I guess. Goodnight, Niall."


"You're not allowed to see my dress," I giggled, pulling my dress into our flat, draped with a sheet so he couldn't see.

"Fine. Are we going to check up on the florist?" Niall asked me. I nodded. I called the florist with my phone.






"Hello, I'm just checking up on the flowers for a wedding for Niall Horan and Jazmine Hemmingsworth."

"One second, please."

Niall and I had ordered pink roses for our small wedding that we were going to have in a small church in New York City. Niall wanted to have a big wedding with everyone we knew, but I wanted a small one. Sure, a big wedding would be nice, but think of how much nicer it would be to go simple on the venue, and give everything else more detail.

"Okay, you ordered lillies, correct?"

"No...I ordered pink roses."

"Okay, let me check again. But, I'm pretty sure you're marked down for 10,000 lillies."

10,000 LILLIES?!

"Okay, I checked, and I was right. There is no order for pink roses."

"But we made this order months ago!"

"I'll talk to the manager, and call back as soon as we know anything new."

She hung up on me.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked me. I probably looked furious.

"The florist has us down for an order of 10,000 lillies!" I groaned, laying down on the couch.

"That's a lot of lillies!" Niall reacted.

"I know! They said that's what we ordered!" I almost started crying. All of this stress is so much. I heard my phone ring, and I immediately picked it up.


"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I accidentally looked up the wrong couple. You're order is exactly what you wanted, sorry for the inconvenience."

"It's alright! Thank you, though."

I hung up. I explained the mix-up to Niall, and he smiled, and told me that he knew everything was going to be fine.

"Alright, now let's go to Hoboken for our consultation," Niall gave me a quick hug, we fed Lucky, and then left to go to Hoboken.


"Hello!" Niall greeted Buddy Valastro from Carlo's Bakery. I know. Buddy. Making our wedding cake. We are so excited! There was a camera recording us for his show, and I felt a bit self-concious, but flattered all the same that they wanted to put us on their show.

"So what can I do for youse guys?" he asked us, sitting down with us at a small table.

"Well, we have our wedding next Friday," I began.

"Wow! That's awesome! Congratulations!" Buddy congratulated us.

"Thank you! Well, we just wanted a generic wedding cake, with maybe a light pink. That's kind of the color of the flowers, so we thought that would be the color theme, sort of," Niall shrugged. Buddy nodded.

"Alright, well I can do a white three tier, and have pink roses on it," Buddy suggested. Niall and I both nodded in excitement. Buddy smiled. "Well, I gaurantee that I'll have your cake ready by next Friday. Where is the wedding reception being held?"

"The ballroom at our apartment complex. I have the address written down here," Niall handed Buddy a small slip of paper.

"Okay, that sounds great! I'm a big fan, by the way," Buddy nodded at us. We both laughed, shook hands with him, and left.


Hey guys!

So as you know, the wedding is next Friday! We are so excited! Just wanted to let you know that the official time for the rehearsal dinner is 6:00 on Thursday at the ballroom where the reception will be. See you guys there!


Niall and Jazmine


I will be updating very soon for the next chapter! For anyone who doesn't know who Buddy Valastro is, he is a baker from Hoboken, NJ, USA who owns a bakery called, Carlo's Bakery. He has his own show on TLC, Cake Boss. I'm kind of a huge fan, so I thought it would be cool if the Nazz wedding had a Carlo's Bakery cake :) I'm :) So :) Weird :)



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