Chapter 19

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Hey guys! So I'm updating quickly because today is my Pause day. If you want to know what that is, I'll explain at the end of this chapter. But ANYWAYS, this one is going to be short also. Same with the next couple of chapters. But, after that, stuff is going to really go down! Like, it gets really a crayfish. Sorry. I say that now... I know I bore you with these weird Author's Notes, but the story is about to come up.



For all you psych fans out there. Okay, well this is it.


 Chapter 19

(Jazz's POV)

The music was booming throught the venue as I tried to see who was there. It was kind of hard because it was very dark, and the lights were flashing, so all I got were glimpses.

"Isn't this party great?!" Nya yelled to me. I shrugged. It wasn't all that much fun. If I could dance, I would. But I can't. Obviously.

"Hey there, beautiful," a drunk man walked up to me. If he wasn't so creepy, I might've actually considered him to be attractive.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked him, pretending not to have heard what he said.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked me. I nodded, just in case he had plans in mind. "Good! Hey, you wanna dance?"

I looked at him like he was stupid, and he realized that I couldn't dance.

"Oh, I see. Well, my name's Jim," he introduced himself.

"Jazz," I replied.

"I know who you are. Don't worry about that," he laughed. I had forgotten that I was actually a celebrity.

"So, did you attend the concert, then?" I asked him.

"Of course not! In a room with a bunch of screaming fangirls isn't exactly what I like to do with my spare time," Jim snapped. He wasn't saying it to be mean to me, but I still considered him rude and obnoxious.

"I think I'm going to go with my friend," I said, beginning to leave. Jim grabbed my arm.

"Oh, no you're not," he hissed in my ear. I got scared, but then he suddenly let go. I turned around to see Adam punching him in the face.

"Don't you dare!" he yelled. The music stopped, and all attention was on Adam and Jim fighting.

"Adam, stop!" I yelled at him. He stopped, and turned to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied, and texted Nya quickly.

To: Nya

Well, this party blows...oh well. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow! :-*

I rolled out, and called for a taxi. But no one stopped. Suddenly, Adam was right behind me.

"Let me take you back to the hotel. It's freezing," Adam said, putting a jacket around my bare shoulders.

"Thanks," I whispered, as he pushed me over to a small, black car parked on the side of the road. He helped me in, then drove me to the hotel.

"You want me to take you up?" he asked me. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable with the situation.

"Um, no thanks. I've got it. Thanks for the ride, though," I smiled at him. He smiled back, and waved as he drove away. Well, that was very sweet of him. I got into the elevator, and continued up to my floor, where my room was at the end of the hall. By the time I got there, it was already midnight, and I was very tired. I quickly wiped off all of my makeup, took my dress and shoes off, changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and hopped into bed. I stayed there for a while without sleeping, and then texted Niall.

To: The Niall River

The weirdest thing just happened...

From: The Niall River

What? lol miss you, btw xx

To: The Niall River

I went to the concert afterparty, and Adam was there. He beat the crap out of this drunk guy who was hitting on me... Oh, and miss you, too ;) xxx

From: The Niall River

Why doesn't he just leave you alone?

To: The Niall River

He cares about me. I was all he had for a really long time.

From: The Niall River

I know, but still. Let's just hope you don't run into him again. Okay? So how was your first concert?

To: The Niall River

AWESOME!!! Now I know why you guys love performing so much!

From: The Niall River

It's amazing. But I talked to our tour manager today, and he agreed that we can take a week break and meet each other in about two months!

To: The Niall River

I'll be counting the days ;)

From: The Niall River

Me, too! Well, I have to sleep. I have a flight to Italy that we have to catch tomorrow. But, please keep in touch! MUAH LOVE YOU xxx

To: The Niall River

Same. I should sleep, too. LOVE YOU MOREE xxxxxx

And with that, I fell asleep almost instantly.


This chapter is short. Sorry. But, anyways so yeah Pause is when I take one day out of my week to legit chill and not do any work, because the stresses of life are so much, and as human beings, all of us need to pause just once in a while to reflect, and to take a break from all the homework we do and stuff, so I'm doing it. So expect plenty of updates on Saturdays :D But I'll be uploading the next one very quickly.



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