Chapter 30

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Hey booboo! Lol don't mind me, I'm just having a major cramp in my thigh. And dying :) Lol I took that Bing challenge thing, and I still got Google xD I'M LAUGHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW lol my friend's YouTube is a top search on Google :D I'm SICED FOR HER!!!!!!


Chapter 30

(Jazz's POV)

Liam K is now four weeks old. Cat is supposed to come over today, so for now, Niall and I are just relaxing with the baby. Liam K is actually sleeping on Niall's chest while we're sitting on the couch. I just finished feeding him, and he has fallen asleep. These past four weeks, you have no idea how hard I've worked to lose all of that fat that hung down on my stomach. My stomach stretched so far out, that there were faint stretch marks on my lower belly. I looked over to see that Liam K had just woken up.

"Hey, there, baby," I cooed.

"What?" Niall asked me.

"Not you! The baby!" I laughed. Niall looked embarrassed for a second, but laughed with me. Then, I saw something that I had never seen before. Liam K had smiled. "Oh my God! Look at him!"

Niall turned his head to see Liam K smiling. Niall gave him a small kiss on the forehead, and Liam K yawned. I giggled. He was just too perfect for words. My own son. He fell asleep again, and so did Niall. I snapped a picture a tweeted it.


Look at @NiallOfficial with Liam :) Such a good daddy

I heard Niall's phone vibrate, and knew that he got the notification. I pulled my laptop over, and decided to do a little TwitCam.

"HEY GUYS! So, Niall and the baby are asleep right now, but here, I'll let you see."

I turned the laptop to face them so that everybody could see them sleeping on the couch.

"Aren't they just the cutest?! Well, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support you guys have been giving me. I am blessed already to have a loving husband, healthy son, and some great fans. So, because of this whole baby business, I'm not going to go on any more full-blown tours, but, I will do mini ones. I'll do one in America, one in Asia, one in Europe, etc."

Niall woke up. Uh oh.

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, look at who's awake!"

I scooted over so that I was right next to Niall. I brought the laptop with me.

"Hey, guys!"

"So, we're going to have to go set Liam down in his crib, but thanks for all the views! We love you!"


"Ew, Niall, that was weird."

"You do it all the time!"

"Because I'm a girl!"


"Nevermind. It doesn't matter."

The phone buzzed. CAT!!


I shut off the laptop, and went to the phone.

"Let me in?" she asked.

"Be right there!" I replied. I sprinted to the elevator, and brought Cat upstairs. We finally reached the room, and Niall was holding a crying Liam K. "What happened?"

"You shut the door when you left," Niall said, eyes wide.

"Oops, sorry," I felt bad. I grabbed Liam K from Niall, and held him against me. I began to hum the tune of one of my songs, and his cries subsided. Then, he fell back asleep. I set him down in his crib, and went back to the living room, where Cat and Niall were waiting for me.

"Jazz, I have something to show you," Cat had the largest smile on her face. I turned to her, and she lifted up her left hand to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring rested on her ring finger.

"OH MY GOD!" I mouthed. Cat and I did a silent celebration so we wouldn't wake the baby.

"I'm so excited!" Cat whisper-shouted. I smiled. Cat is about to join the married club.

"I can't believe this! When do you want the wedding?" I asked her.

"December. Around my birthday, or Christmastime. It's going to be huge!" she giggled.

"Where do you want it to be held?" I asked her.

"We were thinking a beach in Ireland," she smiled. I aww'ed. This was going to be perfect!

"So am I a bridesmaid or what?!" I asked her. She nodded, and I giggled uncontrollably. I'm more excited for this than she is! Well, proabably not, but still!

"And, I have something else to tell you," she said, looking a little bit happier.

"What is it?!" I asked her.

"I'm pregnant," she said simply. I freaked out silently again. CAT IS PREGNANT, TOO!!!!

"How many months has it been?" I asked her, not even being able to take it all in.

"Four," she replied, holding up four fingers.

"You're in the second trimester already? But you are still as skinny as ever!" I said. I still didn't believe it.

"I know! The doctor said it's normal for some women not to gain that much weight right off, or even have a large stomach by the end of it at all," Cat explained. I was so jealous in that moment.

"That is so unfair! Liam K made me huge!" I protested. Cat just shrugged, and giggled.

"She's telling the truth! Jazz was humongous!" Niall chuckled. I gave him a death glare, and he took back what he said. I laughed a little.

"Congratulations! You have no idea about how happy I am for you!" I gave Cat a big hug. This is going to be interesting.


Whoa dere. Cat is pregnant. This is cray. OMG. HAHA. Well, I hope you enjoyed it :)



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