Chapter 34

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Hey guys! LOL so I've come up with yet another fanfiction idea, so I'll be starting another. I am so sorry about that, it's just that when I get an idea, I have to write it down immediately, or else I'll completely forget what I had in mind. But, please enjoy this new chapter !


Chapter 34 **7 YEARS LATER**

(Niall's POV)

"Hey, buddy, how are you feeling?" I asked Liam K. He was lying on a small hospital bed in a children's clinic.

"Pretty good," he replied with a smile. He looked exhausted, so I gave him a kiss on the forehead, and closed the door behind me. Jazz was standing outside, holding our new daughter, Vivian Ariana.

"He's just tired," I told her. She nodded solemnly.

"Poor boy," Jazz sighed. I took Vivian from her, and played with her a little to get my mind off of my sick son. He has gone through so many blood transfusions, that I've lost count. He can't live like a normal child. He doesn't even have friends. I love him so much, and it hurts to see him everyday, suffering in a clinic.

"I think it's time to go home," I suggested. Jazz had dark circles under her eyes. We stay at the clinic for days on end sometimes, and this was one of those times. As we got into the car, Jazz started trying to get my mind off of Liam K.

"So, I have to go to the recording studio for a little while tomorrow, can you take care of Vivian?" Jazz asked me, buckling our baby into her little carseat.

"But, tomorrow's my bonding day with the lads!" I protested. Jazz gave me one of her 'looks' that meant she was going to get her way. "I guess I could take her along."

"Great, because I don't trust anyone there at the recording studio to watch her, except for Uncle Simon. Problem is, he's away with another band of his on some kind of recording expedition thing," Jazz giggled a little. I smiled. It has been a while since I've heard her giggle. I almost never hear it, because of the seriousness of our son's condition. The cancer isn't getting worse, but it isn't getting better either.

He'll stay at the clinic like this for a couple of nights a week, and during that time, he'll have a tutor, but he's still enrolled in a school. He'll have to wear a hat to school, because there are patches of hair missing from his head. We don't want to shave it all off and once, because we know he'll be a target for bullying at school if we do so. After the long drive home, Jazz and I quietly put Vivian in her crib, and then practically collapsed onto our bed.

I dreamt of my daughter. She was healthy, and happy, and full of life. According to everyone, she's an exact copy of me, as Liam K is an exact copy of Jazz. She has blue eyes, brown hair, a nose shaped like mine, and her hands aren't as petite as you would imagine for a baby. I mean, they're still small, but she has the hands of a guitar player. It's exciting, because I know she's going to be someone special someday. She's going to be a singer, like Jazz and I, and play the guitar. She's going to be important, and beautiful. Independent.

I am so proud of my daughter, even though she hasn't done anything yet. After all, she isn't a year old yet. At the same time, though, I can imagine what her future will be like. She will be a blessed girl. She already is. She can grow up with two parents, enough food, a healthy life, and a loving brother. This is more than I could ask for. I always thank God that I have Vivian, and she has everything. Yet at the same time, I just ask God, 'why?'

I was given a son that has to suffer everyday, because he was diagnosed with cancer. He is only seven! Why can't he live life like a normal kid? Why does he always have to be monitored? It isn't fair! I get one child who is blessed, and the other who is cursed. Why did this happen to me? I love both of my children more than you could imagine, but it seems like God doesn't care. I don't even know anymore. It isn't fair, and it isn't right. This is too much. The constant visits to the clinic are too much for me.

We moved to England, because we thought that both of our children would have a better life, and we would too. It turns out, that I was wrong.


Aww, poor Niall. It's sad, too, that in reality, families go through things like this. It's unfair, but at the same time, it's just how it is. Maybe someday, someone will find a cure for cancer :) Hopefully! Alright, I'm going to go update my two other fanfictions, and then I'll be back to update this one :)



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