Chapter 16

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Hey guys! This is the new update! So I'll be updating quite often now, because I planned it all out! Please enjoy!!


Chapter 16

(Jazz's POV)

"You're texting her, aren't you?" I asked Niall, my gaze fixed to his phone. He was holding it, and standing next to the bed.

"What are you talking about?" Niall asked me. God, he was a terrific actor. He almost had me fooled. Well, it's too bad. I already know. It's over, Niall.

"I know you're cheating on me," I began to cry again, and I curled into a ball, and just lay there crying. I felt Niall sit beside me before he spoke.

"Of course I'm not cheating on you! Where did you get such a crazy idea?" Niall asked me, rubbing my back.

"You told Liam that you had to tell me something. And I saw that Narah texted you to ask you to go to her place. I know everything," I mumbled in between cries.

"Aww, baby, no you've got it wrong," Niall cooed. I couldn't take it.

"YOU CAN STOP LYING! I ALREADY KNOW! WHY DON'T YOU JUST SAY IT?! YOU'VE BEEN LYING!" I screamed in anger. His games were getting old.

"Jazz, I swear to you, that I'm not cheating!" Niall knelt beside me now, trying to gaze into my eyes. As hard as I tried, my eyes were locked with his.

"Prove it," I whispered. Why is he still lying?

"Look, these are the texts Liam and I shared between each other," Niall showed me his phone screen.

From: Daddy Direction

Did you finally get Narah to stop texting you?

To: Daddy Direction

Not yet. I don't want to be mean, but I want to tell her to stop it. It's really annoying and obnoxious. Doesn't she know that I'm in a relationship?

From: Daddy Direction

Some people are just really desperate. But you're going to have to tell her sooner or later.

"Okay, that's proof. Now, here's the texts I share with Narah," Niall showed me his phone screen again.

From: Narah

Hey bby so you're in New York?


You know I live in New York?

From: Narah

Maybe we should meet up sometime?

From: Narah

This is your number, right? Niall?

From: Narah

Hey baby want to meet me tonight?

"So...she's a stalker? How did you meet her in the first place?" I asked, getting a bit curious.

"She was at my farewell party in England. I don't even know who she knew who was there. It doesn't matter. All that matters, is that the next time she texts me, I will tell her to leave me alone. I'm sorry, I really should've done it sooner," Niall apologized. I actually began to believe him.

"Okay, Niall. I just assumed. I'm so sorry," I began apologizing.

"You were right to assume. I would've done the same. It's okay. Can we just forget it?" Niall asked me. I nodded, and gave him a hug and a kiss.

(Niall's POV)

I'm glad she believed me. I never wanted her to know, and it backfired. If she didn't believe me, she wouldn't broken up with me over a misunderstanding. Thank God she really did believe me. I was locking my phone when I forget that both Paul and Liam have been trying to tell me something.

To: Paul

What happened?

From: Paul

Mangagement forgot to call you, but you have to go on another 8-month tour!

To: Paul

 Oh, that's great! Jazz will be so excited to see us perform!!

From: Paul

See, that's kind of the thing...

To: Paul

What's wrong?

From: Paul

They aren't letting her go with you.


OMG THEY FINALLY GOT OVER THEIR ISSUES, AND THEY ARE GOING TO BE SPLIT UP FOR 8 WHOLE MONTHS!!!!!!! Sorry about the really short chapter, but I'll be updating more often, so sorry about that!! But, at least I'll be updating either today or tomorrow. I'll be REALLY updating a lot, so no worries about this! Ttys <-- talk to you soon



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