Chapter 39

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Hello, my good friends... (insert creepy smile here) LOL sorry about that I'm kind of bored....anyways, please enjoy :)


Chapter 39

(Jazz's POV)

"How are you feeling, Liam?" I asked him. He just shrugged, and not one word escaped his lips. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, and left his room. I walked over to Niall, who was waiting for me. "He's tired."

"I know. How many days of school has he missed?" Niall wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that this entire thing was all just a dream.

"A few weeks at the very least," I answered quietly. When I had opened my eyes, I was still in the hospital hallway, being held by my loving husband and talking about our son who has leukemia. It was worth a try.

"I don't know, but I've been thinking that maybe we should pull him out of school and just homeschool him," Niall suggested. I thought about it a little. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.

"I think we should," I said finally after thinking for a while. Niall nodded, and let go. I just sighed. This is too much to bear.


"Read this aloud for me, please," I asked Liam K. He was reading Charlotte's Web.

"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing,'" Liam K read smoothly. It impressed me. He was only seven years old, yet he could read just about anything. He didn't even have trouble with the word, 'tremendous.' I knew that he was going to be somebody important. He was smarter than the average child.

"Very good! Do you want to go get lunch?" I asked Liam K. He nodded, and placed the bookmark carefully inside the book where he had left off. He loved books. Collecting them, reading them, re-reading them, telling them, and just about anything in between. He also collected bookmarks. A different one for every chapter.

"Mommy, can we go get chicken?" Liam K asked me. I nodded, and he smiled to himself. "Just anything but Nando's."

I laughed to myself. He was the complete opposite of Niall.

"McDonald's, then?" I asked him. Liam K's eyes widened, and he nodded his head enthusiastically as I put him into his carseat. Vivian is with Niall for the day, so I don't have to worry about her. I rarely ever take Liam K to McDonald's, so he always got excited when we went. What can I say? I love my son. We pulled into the drive thru, and I ordered him the four chicken nugget happy meal. He doesn't really eat much, or quickly for that matter.

Liam K likes to take his time when he eats. He is never messy, and he likes to keep his hands and face clean. He also takes the littlest bites, and savors each one. Like I said, the opposite of Niall. When we got back home, Liam K said a quick prayer before eating. That was another thing he liked to do. It was cute, actually.

"So, what else do we have to do today?" Liam K asked me.

"Maths, and then we can go visit anybody today," I smiled to myself. It's a Friday, and tomorrow, Liam K and I will be able to sleep in. I like to keep him in the habit of waking up early on the weekdays.

"Yay! I love maths!" Liam K cheered. I laughed to myself. Growing up, I used to love maths, too. Niall hates maths with a passion. If Liam K is going to be doing maths, I have to be the one to teach him. I grabbed his workbook after throwing away his trash from McDonald's, and he started working. Liam K is also very  good at maths, like he is with reading. He's already learning multiplication!

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