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2 days later
July 9th

"Riah wake up why is this man at my door asking for you" my momma bust in my room saying and I hop up so quick checking my phone.

Im coming ta get you for breakfast so you betta be up

You think yo momma would like me?

I think she would 😁

"Ummmmm ion knowwww" I said lying.

"You know stop lying now get up" my momma said pursing her lips together.

I hop off my bed and walk towards the front door.

"Hey ma" he said just walking into my apartment like he own it or sum.

"Ohhhhh this the boyfrrriieeenddddd" my momma said putting her hands on her hip.

"Yes maam my name Jay nice ta meet you" he said putting his hand out for her to shake it.

"Mmmhmmmm" she shakes his hand hesitantly.

"You don't kill people do you" my momma said squinting her eyes.

"ANYYYWAAAYYYSSS im finna get dressed how bout you just go inna car" I said rushing jay out the house.

"Nice meeting you young man" my momma said right before I pushed him out.

"He kill people don't he" my momma said shaking her head.

"I wouldn't know he don't tell me that"

"What happened to you "never wanting to date a dude inna streets" " my momma said mocking me.

"Momma just finish washing them dishes okay" I said making her laugh while walking back to my room and getting dressed.

What the fuck did happen because I don't know either

"AND YOU CANT TALK BECAUSE YOU DATED MY DADDY AND GUESS WHAT HE WAS" I screamed from my bedroom towards my momma.

"HE WAS A KILLA JUST HOW I LIKED EM BACK DEN" my momma screamed back causing me to be amazed by the words that just came out her mouth.

"Chillleeeeee anyways" I said to myself continuing to find me something to wear.

I decided I was just going to wear a white sundress with my all white alexander mcqueens.

"Can you cmon" I turned around quickly seeing Jaymar right behind me in my room.

"How do you keep getting in here bro"

"Yo momma let me- Bro?" He stopped what he was finna say only focusing on me calling him bro.

"Im not yo fucking bro" he said mugging at me.

"You are what I say you ar-" I was cut off by my hair being yanked.

"Now say that for me one mo time" He said whispering in my ear while still gripping on my hair.

"Jay- on my momma let go of me before I spazz"

"Nah repeat what you just called me"

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