Chapter 15: Bloody Gathering

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The moon was high as members of the Blood Circle all gathered within their secret lair. The area was dark with only torches lighting the dark-filled cave. No sign of life showed within the room as the only visible thing in the environment was the Earth and the members themselves. Racoon, the last missing member who kidnapped Asami, entered the vicinity as Owl, Fox, and Bishop awaited his arrival. Next to him were two brothers with grey robes and hats. Their eyes are covered by cylindrical sunglasses. Each brother stood enormously tall both measuring six feet and four inches tall (193 cm). Their sinister presence emanates throughout the entire room.

Bishop got excited from their entrance as an eerie sensation zoomed from his shoulders and into his spine. With their looks alone, he knew their fighting skills were no laughing matter. This wasn't the same for Fox, irritated towards their presence.

"Who the hell are these assholes?" Fox stated annoyingly.

"They are the Zhu brothers. The one on the right is Wei, and the one carrying the giant object is Yu. They are considered to be one of the world's best assassins." Raccoon explained.

"If they are so special, why haven't I heard of them?" Fox retorted.

Wei started to smirk as he stared directly at Fox's mask.

"If we were famous, we wouldn't be considered the best. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of being an assassin. Not that someone like you would know." Wei stated.

Fox was insulted by Wei's unnecessary comment. With anger coursing through her veins, Fox starts to take her water-bending stance as she launches a series of attacks towards the brothers. Acknowledging the incoming projectiles, Yu quickly reaches for the apparatus behind his back as he unveils the item hidden within a silky cloth. What is presented is a giant wooden harp with a dark oak finish throughout. As Yu tosses the harp towards his brother, Wei balances himself on his left leg, lifting his right leg against his lap.

The wooden harp gracefully falls against him, perfectly balanced horizontally. With Fox's ice shards only a few meters from touching them, Wei plays a Chinese, melodic tune. Flicking his fingers forward, Wei manipulates the sound waves from his harp, turning them into sharp projectiles.

The invisible bursts of energy flow gently, cutting all the projectiles intersecting its path. After parrying all of Fox's moves, she attempts to continue her approach only to be intervened by her partner, Owl. Owl reaches his arm in front of her, trying to mediate the situation.

"That's enough. We're all allies here, Fox." Owl stated.

"That's right. You need to relax. Besides, we rarely get someone this special to join our forces." Bishop argued.

"And we don't do it for free. The Raccoon head here promised us three million yuans." Wei stated.

"And you'll get your reward after you accomplish your task. In the meantime, I want to know... where did you learn that technique." Bishop asked.

"We have harmonic convergence to thank. Since then, we learned air-bending. Since we play the harp a lot, we figured we should try using it as a weapon. After years of experimenting and practice, we learned to bend sound of our own will." Yu stated.

Bishop started laughing, amused with the brothers' high fighting skills. Turning his attention away from the Zhu brothers, Bishop addresses the elephant in the room. His head rotates towards his right, dumping all of his attention towards Asami.

Asami was still alive but barely breathing due to all the cuts and bruises she suffered. Lashes surrounded her elegant body with her injuries infected due to lack of proper hygiene. Asami's long, silky hair is now dry and covered in dirt. With her hands and ankles chained together, the young CEO was incapable of moving. Her clothes were torn to shreds and covered in the same dirt that she laid against.

While Asami wasn't religious, she continued to pray for Korra's arrival. Even after a month of torturing and physical abuse, Asami refused to give in to the pain. She continued to grit throughout the entire month as she continued to have faith in Korra.

Tired of waiting for the Avatar to arrive, Fox, stares deep into Asami's droopy eyes. Grabbing her chin from the other side of the cage, Fox stared at the helpless female with an impatient and disappointed look. Even though her mouth was dry, Asami collected as much saliva and blood as possible and spat against Fox's face. With her dress covered in Asami's blood, Fox grabs the prisoner's hair slamming it against the metal rails. Fox's eyes fill with bloodlust, however, she doesn't satisfy her urges as she remembers Raccoon's deal.

"Can't we just kill her already?" Fox inquired.

"I like to second that suggestion." Bishop stated.

Raccoon shakes his head in disappointment as he's about to explain the importance of Asami's survival for the time being.

"How many times do I need to explain this to you guys. If we kill the Avatar's girlfriend right now, it'll only piss her off. Once she arrives, we'll kill the prisoner right in front of her." Fox explained.

"What I don't understand is why we have to wait for her. Let's just bring her to Republic City and kill her already!" Fox argued.

"If we kill her in front of the public, it would only cause the people to side with her. We need Korra to enter the Avatar state after she sees her dead. Once that happens, she'll lose control of her emotions and bring chaos throughout the world. Everyone will realize how much of a threat the Avatar really. That's also when she's at her most vulnerable. We can kill the Avatar permanently. While you're busy complaining about some stupid dress, I'm trying to mentally break the Avatar into pieces!" Raccoon explained.

Fox isn't convinced as she barely knew the individual she was arguing with. Although everyone knew Raccoon's plan was excellent, his lack of action and trust in others only increased their suspicion of him. While everyone knows the identity of each masked persona, Raccoon remained anonymous to everyone except Bishop.

"Now why the hell should we trust you. The only person that seems to know who the hell you are is Bishop!" Fox stated.

Bishop intervenes in the argument.

"As much as I enjoy keeping your identity to myself, I think it's in everyone else's interest to reveal who you are," Bishop suggested.

Looking around his environment, Raccoon doesn't hesitate to unveil his mask in front of his allies. Holding the mask tightly against his left palm, he removes his cover, presenting his face to his audience. Fox, Owl, and Asami all drop in awe as the face they're seeing was the last face they would ever expect. A million thoughts scribbled through Asami's mind as she refuses to believe the person revealed. After realizing the person's identity, her resentment towards the religious cult continues to grow. Asami reaches for the bars as she shakes them violently.

"How could you do this to Korra!" Asami screamed.

Annoyed at the prisoner's nasty attitude, Fox kicks against the metal cage, stomping against Asami's fingers. Injured from the intense impact, Asami moves away from the cage as tries to ease the pain within her hands. Fox on the other hand was more than amused with the given results. She laughs maniacally.

"Now this is interesting..." Fox whispers to herself.

Raccoon puts his mask back on as the meeting is finally adjourned. No one says anything as they're satisfied with the overall process.

Asami is traumatized as everything she once believed turns out to be false. Nothing seems to make sense as Asami slowly loses her grasp of reality. Trying to keep her composure together, she closes her eyes as she drowns out her surroundings. Thinking about Korra and the little moment they shared, Asami continues praying for her lover's arrival.

"Where are you?" Asami whispered.

Boredom running through his mind, Bishop unlocks the cage entrance, allowing himself to enter the cramped vicinity. Carrying a metal suitcase, he leans against the floor, opening the case. Inside the ominous box revealed a set of tools that Bishop used to torture the young CEO. From whips, scalpels, and branding irons, it seemed Bishop had the proper tool for every single tool. Staring towards Asmai, Bishop gags her mouth as he resumes to torture her.

Author's note: Sorry I made this chapter short, I just tried gathering some ideas for the upcoming fight. However, I was considering adding a torture scene but I wasn't sure if people would like that.

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