𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗, 𝐔𝐡 𝐨𝐡!

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The next day, Violetshine was having a conversation with Needletail as Darktail yowled for all the cats to meet him at the center of camp. She and her slender silver friend padded over. Darktail's blue eyes were gleaming as he meowed, "Today we will attack ThunderClan." 

Violetshine's mind whirled. ThunderClan! No! What about Twigpaw? 

Darktail seemed to notice her troubled gaze, and shooed the other cats away. "What's wrong, Violetshine?" He asked. Was that real concern in his gaze?

Violetshine fought back panic as she searched for an excuse. "Er... why do we have to attack ThunderClan today? Why not somewhere else?" 

The black and white tom narrowed his eyes. "Is there something wrong with attacking ThunderClan?" 

Violetshine ducked her head and blinked at him innocently. "Can I tell you the truth?" 

Darktail's gaze suddenly softened. "Of course." 

The black and white she-cat mewed, "Well, you know my sister, Twigpaw is in ThunderClan." And Darktail opened his jaws to respond but she continued. "I don't want to hurt her... you do care about me, right?"

Hesitation showed in the tom's ice-blue eyes, "Yes I do care about you, Violetshine, but-"

"Then you should care about my feelings, and if Twigpaw got hurt, I would be so upset." She cut him off. 

Darktail looked away, then turned back to his mate. "I suppose so." Emotion glowed in his gaze as he stared at the small she-cat. "You know I'd do anything for you, right?"

"Y-yes." Violetshine felt uncomfortable, but she had to go on. For the Clans. 

P.S I'm sorry these are taking so long for me to upload. :)

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