𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏, 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐬

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Violetshine took a deep breath. She hesitated, and Tree nudged her forwards, his eyes soft. "Go. You can do it."

The black and white she-cat nodded and padded through the thorn barrier that was guarding the ThunderClan camp. "Violetshine?" A voice echoed throughout the clan. Twigbranch popped her head out of the den as she heard her sister's name. Twigbranch's green gaze met with Violetshine's own amber one. The silver she-cat climbed out and without saying anything, padded up to her sister.

It had been a moon since Violetshine decided to leave ThunderClan for a "few days". Twigbranch's breath caught in her throat as she rasped, "Violetshine?"

Violetshine pressed her muzzle against her sister's and the two inhaled each other's scent. "Where did you go?" The silver she-cat asked. Violetshine turned to the tom standing behind her. "I was living with Tree." Her eyes were bright as she said his name. "We're mates now."

Twigbranch's gaze had anger and grief. "I was worried sick when you didn't return. You couldn't have told me or something?" 

Violetshine dipped her head. "I'm sorry, Twigbranch. I wanted to tell you, but I was a long way from ThunderClan and..."

Her sister was still anguished. "And what? What could've been so important that you couldn't walk a couple days to make sure your sister didn't think you were dead." 

Tree stepped forwards. "She's expecting kits." He stated boldly.

Twigbranch's eyes widened. "That's wonderful!" She exclaimed. Violetshine ducked her head as ThunderClan swarmed around her in congratulations. Bramblestar nosed himself to the front. "Why are you here then?" 

Violetshine dipped her head to the leader. "Well, I was wondering if we could come to ThunderClan, to raise my kits. They need a strong and kind clan to grow up in- plus, my kits have clan blood through and through."

Twigbranch tipped her head. "Tree isn't clan blood."

Violetshine looked away. 

Twigbranch padded closer to her sister. "Is there something you aren't telling me? Cmon, Violetshine! Spit it out!"

The black and white she-cat faced her sister. "These are not Tree's kits, Twigbranch." 

The silver she-cat whisked her tail. "Well if not Tree, then- oh my. No. They aren't- please don't tell me they are-"

Violetshine blinked. "Yes. I am carrying Darktail's kits."

Berrynose growled at her. "Darktail is bad news! We can't let her in the clan, especially not when she's carry evil kits!" Many cats agreed.

Violetshine felt angry. "My kits are not evil!" She hissed. "Darktail may be their father but I'm their mother and you all know I'm a good cat!"

Bramblestar cleared his throat, silencing all the cats. "I out of everyone know what it feels like to be shunned for your father's mistakes." He meowed, and Squirrelflight pressed against him. "Violetshine, I know for a fact that you have a good heart. I will allow you and Tree to come live with ThunderClan."

Twigbranch happily licked Violetshine's cheek and led her to the nursery. "Does Darktail know?" She asked as Violetshine sat down in an old nest. The black and white she-cat shook her head, and Twigbranch nodded in approval. "And it must stay that way."

Suddenly, the brambles of the nursery wall rustled and Violetshine's back hair lifted. "What was that?"

"It's probably just the wind." Twigbranch reassured her. "Anyways! Have you been thinking of names? You could name one Twigkit! Or even Breezekit... no, too WindClan. What about Featherkit? Honeykit would be cute..."

Violetshine purred contentedly as Twigbranch blabbed on about kits. 

Not long after, the entrance to the ThunderClan camp rustled and Violetshine saw 4 cats walk in. Darktail? She thought as she saw the Kin's leader pad in.

"I demand to see Violetshine." Darktail meowed at Bramblestar, who countered, "Why should I let you? I'm sure you have no good reason to see her."

The black and white tom grinned. "Oh, but I do, Bramblestar. She's carrying my kits." 

Violetshine's breath caught in her throat. 

How did Darktail know? 

This is not good.

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