𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑, 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭

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Darktail ignored the sadness prodding at his fur. It doesn't matter. He told himself. I don't love her anymore, and she has a new mate. 

"I don't care if you loved me or not." He replied cooly, and was satisfied with Violetshine's face of surprise. "I want my kits. And if you won't give them to me, there'll be consequences." 

"These kits will never be yours." Violetshine snapped. "I don't care if you hold me hostage, I don't care if you hurt me. I only care that my kits are safe, and they surely won't be safe with you." 

Darktail almost flinched at the hate in her meow. "Well you leave me no choice." He growled. Having Violetshine not give in would just make his victory so much sweeter. "Splinter! Beetle! Guard the den, and don't let Violetshine out."

The two toms nodded in unison as Darktail padded away from the black and white she-cat. His heart ached a bit. How could she do this to me? She found a new mate in less than a moon. 

He shook out his pelt. It didn't matter anymore, did it? Violetshine hated him, and he should hate her too...

Yet he couldn't stop wondering if Violetshine missed what they had. Before he could go deeper into thought, he saw Spikefur and Juniperclaw walk someone into camp. It was a pale brown tabby she-cat with green eyes. "Who is this?" Darktail grunted at Spikefur. 

Before he could answer, the she-cat stepped forwards, her gaze glittering. "My name is Everest. I've heard of you, and I want to join your group." 

Darktail narrowed his eyes, clearly suspicious. Does this cat think she can just strut in and take charge? We'll see about that, Everest. 

"Why should I let you join?" He questioned her, meeting her emerald gaze. 

She squared her shoulders. "Because I know why you do this."

Darktail's pelt rippled uncomfortably. "What do you mean by that?"

Everest held his gaze boldly. "I know why you fight cats, and I respect that. I understand how you feel- to be driven away and acted like you don't matter. To be treated like you were a mouse who was being toyed with. Not taken seriously." She stepped closer to him. "You were unwanted as a kit, and so was I. So let me join your group. I'm a skilled hunter," She paused. "And fighter."

Darktail twitched his whiskers. As he stared at this fierce cat, he knew she'd be a great addition to the Kin. Plus, he had to move on- Violetshine was the past. This strange cat could be his future. 

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