𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖, 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐩

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Violetshine woke to her sister prodding at her leg. "Violetshine?" She exclaimed. "Violetshine!"

The black and white she-cat tucked her kits closer to her belly. "Twigbranch?"

Her sister's eyes were wide with joy as she stared at the small kits. "You've had your litter- how adorable!"

Brightheart poked her head into the den. "I told Bramblestar you were back- he's fine with it."

Twigbranch curled around her sister as Violetshine thanked the ginger and white she-cat. "Did you name them?" 

"Sootkit, Stormkit and Silverkit." Violetshine told her, laying her tail on each kit. Twigbranch smiled warmly. "Those are beautiful names." 

Suddenly, the den entrance rustled as Tree padded in. "Violetshine!" He purred, pressing his muzzle against hers. Violetshine didn't know how to feel. She stared at Twigbranch. "Will you give us a moment?" 

Twigbranch's eyes widened. "Yep..."

Tree stared at his mate in dismay. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"You didn't fight for me?" She asked.

The golden tom narrowed his eyes. "You know I don't like bloodshed, or fighting."

"But I'm you're mate! You're supposed to fight for me. To prove that you really care!" She wailed. "Do you even care?"

"Of course I do, but-"

Violetshine stared at him in disbelief. "But you wouldn't lose blood for me." 

Tree stared at his paws. Grief stabbed Violetshine like a thorn. She couldn't believe it. Darktail was right. "Can I see at least see our kits?" Tree asked weakly. 

Violetshine's eyes blazed. "They're not our kits. They're mine."

Tree snapped his head up. "It's not that big of a deal!" 

"But it is! If you wouldn't die for a cat, do you even love them? There's a difference between like or love Tree. You are a loner and will always be. You only care for yourself, not the cats around you."

Tree's eyes were desperate. "Violetshine. Please. I was just trying to keep peace on the land. I'll fight for you next time, I promise. I love you."

The black and white she-cat couldn't believe her ears. "You love me?" She repeated. "I can't believe you."

Tree shook his head. "Darktail did something to you."

"He made me see better."

"And what did you see? That he still loves you and doesn't want us to be together?"

"At first, yes! I thought that. But he taught me that love means you would die for that cat and stand by them no matter what. I thought Darktail treated me bad when we were mates, but no. You treat me worse. You kill from the inside, Tree. Admit it- you don't love anyone but yourself."

Tree scoffed and backed up. "You're not the cat I thought you were, Violetshine." 

The black and white she-cat felt her throat close in on her. "Neither are you, Tree."

"So this is it?" He asked, sadness in his mew. "Over not fighting? Are we over now?"

Violetshine lifted her chin. "Not fighting could've kept the peace, but it showed that you didn't care enough to save me. If one of my kits died the night I escaped, I would have never forgiven you." 

Tree swallowed. "I'm leaving ThunderClan, and all the clans."

Violetshine looked away. "Goodbye Tree." 

Twigbranch padded in soon after Tree padded out of ThunderClan camp. "What was that about, and why did Tree leave?"

Violetshine felt a sob coming up her throat. "He didn't fight for me." She met her sister's concerned gaze. "A cat who loves you would fight for you- no matter the consequences, not even death! I may be overreacting, but Tree not fighting, or at least arguing with words stung like a bee."

Twigbranch pressed against her sister. "I was surprised he didn't come home with scratch marks all over him too. I was even more surprised when he didn't come home with you." 

Violetshine stared at her sister, and then at her kits. "The worst thing is... I think I made a big mistake."

Twigbranch tipped her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Violetshine sighed, leaning against her sister. "I know it sounds crazy, but... I think I still love Darktail, and I can't not love him. He hasn't attacked any cat in a long time, and I know he would make a good father. And it's bizarre, but I feel like I can trust him again." 

Twigbranch flicked her tail. "I'm not going to tell you what's right and what's wrong, but if you do love Darktail, why did you escape?"

Violetshine suddenly felt small. "He has a new mate, and I swear she's evil. Not literally, but she always flirts with Darktail extra loud so I can hear, is rude to me but when Darktail appears is suddenly as sweet as honey, and she gives me dirty looks."

Twigbranch soothed her sister with comforting strokes on her ears. "I'm sorry, Violetshine."

The black and white she-cat stared at her kits. "Don't be, it's not your fault. Right now, I need to get my priorities straight. 1- my kits need to be healthy and safe."

"Wait a minute..." Twigbranch said, standing up. "Darktail doesn't know you left... right?" 

"No? Why?"

Twigbranch sighed. "Oh, Violetshine..."

Suddenly, 3 cats padded into the ThunderClan camp, Darktail leading them. 

Oh boy...

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