𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓, 𝟑 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬

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Darktail woke to find a cat at the edge of his nest. He leaped to his paws. "Everest?"

The brown she-cat's eyes were full of amusement. "You snore." 

The black and white tom shook out his pelt. "Why were you watching me sleep?"

Everest's meow was soft. "You seemed so unhappy when you went to your nest last night. So, I followed you in, and I guess watched you to make sure nothing bad would happen."

Annoyed, Darktail growled, "I can take care of myself." He started out of the den.

Everest blocked his way out. "You say that, but you really cannot. You need some cat with you. It's not fair to have all the responsibility on your shoulders. So please, let me help you." 

Darktail curled up in his nest, and Everest sat down next to him. She sighed. "I heard your conversation with Violetshine... are you okay?"

Darktail didn't reply. He'd never confided into a cat so easily. Not after Violetshine. Everest was playing with his mind.

"Am I really that bad of a cat? I just want justice." 

Everest's voice was firm when she replied. "No, Darktail. No cat understands why you're doing what you are. They don't understand how much pain the clans have given you, and how you're hurting inside. They're cowards for judging you."

Darktail blinked at the she-cat. Is this a trick? 

When he didn't reply, Everest stood up and shook out her pelt. "I didn't mean it in a bad way.."

Darktail also stood up and narrowed his eyes. "Oh, I know. I just... I'm wary of she-cats like you." 

Everest tipped her head to one side. "Why?"

"Let's just say my last relationship didn't end so well. I was also born to be independent. I'm a strong leader, and I know I am. I don't need a mate to support me."

Everest stepped closer to him. "Well, I'm not like Vi- I mean the other she-cat."

Darktail shook his head. "I know you aren't. But I can't trust any cat right now." He flexed his claws.

The brown tabby smiled. "3 days."


"Give me 3 days to earn your trust. I'll do whatever you want, just please let me show you that I am a worthy campmate."

Darktail stared at her thoughtfully. "Fine." He grunted. "But only 3. If you don't earn it in 3 days, then there's no more following me into the woods, and watching me sleep."

Everest flicked her tail. "Deal."

As she left the den, Darktail sat down. Was what I said true? That I am wary of her? Or am I still in love with Violetshine and just never want to give that up?

Either way, Everest only had 3 days. 

She can try to gain my trust, but it's not that easy.

Torn Between The Shadows (Warrior Cats)Where stories live. Discover now