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(A/n - I suggest listening to the song at least once before you read 🌟

(Tabitha) "How's you and Devin" my best friend of 10 years Rachel ask "umm it's whatever" I answer as we sit on my couch "miss Zion?" She ask "he's old news plus he's back with that damn Kylie"

I shake my head "seem jealous" she giggles "of course I am" I admit "but he's wasting his time on her" I shrug my shoulders "you did hurt him a couple of time" she says "and he would usually come crawling back to me but he's not" I say "maybe he's had enough of it" she says

"No I will make him want me again" I nod "You guys been on this emotional rollercoaster and off and on for 3 years now" she says "you moved on why can't he?" She ask "who side are you on" I ask "yours but you know I'm right" she smiles "we haven't been on in 6 months , we been off for so long" I whine "you have Devin" she tells me

"I don't care , he's not Zion" I say "it's been us for 3 years , I'm the one that's been with him through all his darkest times and he just won't come back"
She tilts her head "You hurt him" she says "how" I ask "you literally kissed someone in front of him at a 360 party" she says "we weren't official"

I say "but if he did that you would freak out , you little hypocrite" she laughs "whatever" I roll my eyes "Kylie needs to get out the way" i say "she's ruining everything" I say "she's not" Rachel says "Rachel you are obviously on their side" I whine

"no I'm not , but it's also not my fault they like me and not you" she says "I don't care about his damn band mates" I giggle "if you would be nice maybe they would like you" she says "now where's the fun in that" I ask "cruel" she shakes her head

First of all I'm Tabitha , I'm a 20 year old model and I live here in LA. That's Rachel my best friend forever. I'm kinda single I think I guess. This guy Devin I been messing with for about 8 months now.

I just call him over when Zion and I would take a break from each other. That break would only be about a week. However this break has lasted 6 months. Usually he calls me after a week and says he misses me but he hasn't. Zion and I been doing this for 3 years. It's always been him and I even though his band mates don't really like me. I'll admit I fuck Zion and I's relationship up a lot but it's not like I fuck someone while we are "together" maybe I just kiss someone or do something stupid. I mostly close with Edwin and Austin but kinda not really . Brandon Doesn't like me at all and I don't care. Nick and I are almost enemies. I hate that boy and he hates me . Do I care ? Fuck no.

Zion knows nothing about Devin . Devin just thinks Zion is a Ex I haven't been with in so long . That's a lie though . But Z has this girl named Kylie and jeez I hate her. He's been around her for like a year now. They started off as friends and then a couple months ago I guess they got close. I'm such a hypocrite but I don't want him around anyone else. at the same time I have Devin . I don't even really like Devin just sometimes. All of Zions exes hate me , why? Cause he's obsessed with me . They all know we will never stay away from each other. But Kylie just wants to stay . I heard she makes him happy , I'll fuck their shit up . As time goes on Devin gets better with me and I get closer with him. So hey maybe I'll just fuck around a date Devin. Sometimes on Zion and I's breaks from each other we would have sex here and there but no for 6 months I haven't seen or spoke to him at all. He's so annoying why won't he beg to have me back. What changed , probably his stupid ass friends. I could care less what those boys think and Brandon's damn girlfriend Maggie oouu I can't stand her. She's Kylies best friend. Maggie just had to introduce Kylie to Zion .

"Snap the hell out of it" Rachel snaps her fingers in my face "stop girl" I say "stop thinking about Zion" she grabs her bag "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you" she chuckles "ugh love you too" I wave as the door opens and Devin walks in "Hey Devin" Rachel says "wassup" Devin says "see you two later" Rachel walks out and Devin sits next to me

"Hey Babe" he smiles "hello" I say unemotionally "you ight" he ask "yup" I say "let's go upstairs" he smirks "not in the mood" I tell him "well can we at least go to sleep and cuddle" he says "I guess"

I walk past him and into my bedroom with him behind me. I change into a t-shirt and lay down.
"Did you have a good day" he ask "it was okay" I answer "boring , very boring" I nod

"We should do something tomorrow" he ask "eh maybe" I look at him "I have to check in with my coach and see if I'm free" he smiles . Devin plays collage football kinda hot if you ask me. "How was practice today" I ask "it went well" he nods "no fights today" he chuckles "that's good" he changes into some shorts . Devin is so hot honestly I just can't bring myself to like him Idk why.

Oh wait yes I do , cause I'm stuck on Zions tall ass.

"I had a long day" he lays next to me "was it a good day" I ask "it was , I missed you" he says "aww" is all I say "did you miss me" he ask and I nod "then say it" he chuckles "I missed you" I fake smile . He lays his head on my shoulder "goodnight Tabitha" he says "night Dev" he's out cold in 5 minutes.

After laying here for a good 10 minutes my phone goes off. It is midnight what do people want.
I look and his name pops up with makes

"I know right now that we're not talking , I hope you know this dick is still an option"

I bite my lip and take a deep breath. Good to know

Wasted times (Z.K)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin