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"So he texted you last night and said he's still down to get dirty" Rachel ask as we walk down the streets stopping at a bunch of stores "exactly" I reply

"And what did you say" she ask "nothing"

She shakes her head "so you just left him on read" I nod at her question "what am I supposed to say , thanks?" I joke "I don't know" she shrugs
"What are you gonna do about Devin" she ask

We walk into one of the stores "what do you mean nothing?" She says "like we ain't dating , I can do what I want with whoever I want" I smile "this is exactly why you and Zion don't work , cause you
like to fuck around" she points at me.

I gasp "me and Zion never dated officially" I state "but if he would to do what you do with a girl , you'd be mad as hell" she says "quit taking his side" I complain "I'm not but I'm just giving my input" she nods "I don't want it"

I continue to browse through the clothes before I hear a bell meaning someone has walked in. I look

"bitch it's Kylie" I whisper and she looks "eww I don't like her shoes" Rachel giggles "eh they okay I guess" I look Kylie up and down as she looks at the jewelry "why does he like her"

I sigh "maybe because she treats him right" Rachel answers "imma need you be quiet" I shush her.

"I'm way better" I mumble "at least he's still down to fuck" I look at Rachel "yeah that's a plus" I nod "I wonder if she knows about me"

I watch her go from the jewelry to the dresses , I mean she's beautiful. I could definitely she why Zion would like her.

"You think he loves her" I ask "no way" Rachel answers "he loves you and it took him a while to love you so he definitely doesn't love Kylie that fast" I follow Rachel to the next rack of clothes

"He doesn't love me , never told me he did" her jaw drops "I thought you guys said the L word" she says "no we didn't" I answer "do you love him"

I look at her for a quick second "of course I love him" I complain "then why do you kiss other guys"

I keep my eyes on Kylie as Rachel ask "he never asked me to be his girlfriend so I can do what I want" I shrug "like I said you are a hypocrite" I shake my head "oh looks there's Nick and Edwin"

I look to where she points "Nick gets on my nerves" I roll my eyes "Edwin is ...... okay".
They walk over to Kylie "looks like she gets along with the boys" I look at Rachel irritated

"sure does" I say

"I hope she breaks his heart" I smile "that's mean" Rachel says "well if she does he will come back to me" we walk up to the cashier "you already have his dick what more do you want" she ask
"I want him"

Then we grab our bags "hey guys" I look and see Edwin then Nick walk up to us "hey boys" Rachel waves "Tabitha" Edwin says "yes?" I question "hello" he says "sup"

Nick brings Kylie over "have you two met Kylie yet" Nick knows exactly what he's doing . I fake smile before turning my attention to Kylie "Im Rachel" Kylie shakes her hand

"Hi , I'm Tabitha , your worst nightmare" I tilt my head . Rachel nudges me lightly making Kylie give the two boys a confused look "what do you mean" she ask "you will find out sooner or later" I nod

Wasted times (Z.K)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora