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(Zion) (1 week later)

"Can you buy me this one too" Kylie has been dragging me through like 80 stores and making me buy things for her. I don't mind buying her things but it's getting out of hand.

"Babe I just bought you 2 other purses" I complain "but Z" she gives me that look which makes me feel bad "fine you can get it" her frown turns into a smile as she grabs the purse. "How much is it" I ask scared for the answer

"Only 6,000 dollars" I sigh. Only? "fine" she basically skips over to the cashier and I hand her my card.

We walk out as I hold most of her bags "can we go now" I ask "Z one more store , I know there stuff I need from there" she leads the way "you couldn't pay for most of this?" I ask "I told you I forgot my money at my house" she says again "you been forgetting your money at your house a lot"

She shrugs before walking into another store "sorry" she apologizes "now come on"

2 hours and 4,000 dollars later we are finally leaving. "Thank you so much z" she wraps her arm around my neck after I put her bags in the car "your welcome" I can't help but smile at her. She does make me happy . I hope I'm not just saying that so I won't think about Tabitha. "You okay" she ask "yeah I'm great" I kiss her lips before we get into the car.

(10 minutes later)

"Hey Z can we stop at that jewelry place we want past" she ask and I look at her In almost shock "do you have any idea how much money I spent today on you" I ask "but the necklace will match that dress I got today" she runs her nails down my arm "I can wear it for date night"

I make the next left towards the jewelry "yay thank you" she grins as we pull into the parking lot.

(15 minutes later)

I bought her more than a necklace . But I couldn't say no to her. "Z you're the best" she says as we get into the car "thanks for all the stuff" she kisses me before I start driving.

(Boys house)

I walk through door making the boys look at me "Zion what the hell you been doing , it been hours" Brandon ask "I been spending my money" I complain before sitting down "how much we talking" Nick ask "over 10,000" I say and they gasp

"You spent over 10,000 dollars , on what?" Nick ask "Kylie" I tell them "why?" Austin ask "she forgot her card at her house and she wanted a couple things" I state "a couple?" Edwin questions "didn't she forget her card when you took her to dinner and she was supposed to pay" Nick says

"And didn't she forget her card when
you two want to the mall last week" Brandon adds "guys she forgets things" I shrug "no she forgets her card" Austin says "what are you trying to say" I ask

"Nothing Kylie is perfect for you" Nick says "he's just saying that because he hates Tabitha" Edwin chuckles "I really think Kylie is the one for Zion" Nick chimes in "you know personally I like Tabitha, she is mean but when you sit down with her and talk she's pretty cool" Austin nods

"No she's not cool" Nick rolls his eyes "I know Tabitha hurts Zion but maybe she does it for a reason" Austin guesses "a reason? Really?" Brandon shakes his head "focus on Kylie not Tabitha" he adds


I lay back down out of breath. Devin can go for like 100 rounds and I can't. But it's so good at the same time. "More?" He ask "hell no" I answer "you're gonna kill me" I joke and he chuckles "I do have to get going" he looks at me "why" I ask

"Football shii" he tells me "are you coming back" I ask "maybe not , I'll be busy till at least 10 tonight so I'll probably just go home" he stands up
"Okay well call me" I sit up before he kisses my lips and grabs his things "I'll call you" he walks out and I hear him leave the house.

Devin is nice , pretty sweet too. Kinda starting to like the boy. He takes my mind off things. Mostly with sex but he still does it. Maybe I can go to his house. Now that I think about it , I never been to his house before. He never invited me and I never asked. He just always comes here.

I never even been on his street. I have no clue where he lives. Im guessing not to far. I'll have to go over soon.

(The next day)

"Rachel I think Devin is hiding something from me" I turn to her "why do you think that" she ask "I never been to his house , so I asked him if I could come over sometime and he got weird and said no" I tell her "then he just hung up" I shrug "what if he's a serial killer and he hides the bodies in his house" she grabs my shoulders "what if he wants to kill you" I push her off of me

"I doubt it" I giggle "maybe he's just nervous" I say "about what" she ask "I don't know , I can't think of anything else" I throw my hands up "just ask" she suggests "eh I don't wanna pressure him"
She snickers "I'll just let him invite me"
I say

"The waiting game" she shakes her head as my phone rings "Devin" she ask "yep" I smile "look at you catching feels" she laughs "no" I answer the phone "hi" I smile and Rachel giggles making me nudge her lightly "What are you doing" He ask

"Sitting with Rachel , you" I say "I got off practice early, maybe if you let me I'll come over" he says "then come over" I kinda wanna ask about maybe me coming to his house but whatever "I'll be over in 15" he says "okay see you soon"

I hang up "mhm" Rachel says "I'm gonna go and let you two be alone when he comes" she stands up "keep me updated too , just in case he wants to kill you" she grabs her bag and I giggle "okay I'll call you , love youu" I say "love you more" she walks out and I go upstairs to change.

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