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"So which song do we work on first" Brandon ask as he sits at the computer "Trust still has a lot of work" Nick says . I don't know shii about making music so they start doing whatever the hell they are doing. I'm just watching Zion scroll through his Instagram "how long will this take" I whisper to him "depends how much we do" he answers

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want" he adds and I shrug "eh I just wanna be with you" I admit "well I promise when we get back to the house we can do whatever" he tells me "just me and you?" I ask "just me and you" he smiles before turning his attention back to the phone.

"Yo Z , come do your verse" Brandon says and he stands up before walking into the booth . I watch go over his verse a couple times before singing it like hundred cause they need to find the "perfect one" is what these boys say. But like I said I know nothing about this stuff.

(2 hours later) I feel the couch and look over at Edwin as he just sat next to me

"Hello Miss.Tabitha" he says "hey Mr.Edwin" I play along "like how he sounds" he ask "yeah real sexy" I smile "he knows I look good when I'm having one hell of a time" I giggle "ah I see what you did there" Edwin says "bro I've done it like 200 times already" Zion complains in the booth "one more time" Brandon ask and Zion rolls his eyes before doing his verse again

"Does this song shii take forever" I ask Edwin "feels like it" he answers "all we have left is Zions verse and mine" he adds "and maybe some finishing touches" he says "we are real excited about this song" he nods "may be the one" I ask "oh yeah" he smiles before Zion walks out "get away from my girl" he jokes "I have go do my verse anyways" Edwin takes Zion spot in the booth.

Z sits next to me and lays his head on my shoulder so I start running my fingers through his hair. "Sleepy" I ask and he nods "I'm trying leave" he whispers "soon" I assure him "I hope" I giggle before his phone rings and I look at it has he sits in his lap "who is that" he ask "Kylie" I mumble and he sits up before shutting his phone off

"Why do you even still have her number" I ask "I never got the chance to delete it" he looks at me "right" I say with attitude "don't get like that" he says "no I don't care" I turn away and say "I don't wanna argue T" he adds "we aren't" I look at him.

He grabs my chin and almost forces me to kiss him but it's real soft and slow kiss. "Are you okay now" he ask "I guess but you still gotta delete her number" I cross my arms "I will" he smiles before kissing my forehead and going back into the booth but this time with the 4 boys.

"Tab hit the red button when I say so" Brandon says "say please" I stand up and he shakes his head "please" he mumbles "huh" I ask "please" he whispers "I can't hear you" I joke "PLEASE" he yells "oh don't gotta get angry" I walk up to the thousands of buttons. "Ready and go" I hit the big red button and they all start singing.

I might dislike Brandon and Nick but I don't hate them. One thing I like is their voices. All 5 of their voices are beautiful. To hear and see them sing makes my heart happy. Cute little boyband making hits on hits on hits.

They finish up and I clap for them making them stare at me "what?" I ask "that was great" I admit "thank you Tab" Austin says as they walk out "great work boys" I smile "Brandon made it basically got the inspiration from Maggie" Zion says "Nice song Brandon" I tell him "thanks" he says "anyways can we go now" I ask "yep we finished" Nick says

"Not you answering me" I say shocked "well" Nick shrugs "nice bet Edwin" I turn to Eddie "thanks girl" he nods as Zion wraps his arms around my shoulders after we grab our things. We walk out and it's raining "aww hell naw" I shake my head and stand under the entrance way to the studio building "come we gotta run" Austin says "I can't run in these shoes" I point to them "vote to leave Tabitha here say I" Nick says

"Nick shut up" I roll my eyes "put my jacket over you" Zion takes his jacket off "keep it over you" he picks me up and I feel his run and lemme tell you I'm scared. One simple slip and fuck this up. But we make it to the car and we get it "not even wet" I smile "thanks babe" I say and kiss his lips.

"Can we stop at chick fla la" I ask as Nick drives "you paying for that" he ask "you sound like someone's mom" I nod "I got money luv" I smile "I'll pay for Zion and I , but y'all yeah on ya own" I say "we got money too ...... luv" Brandon mocks me "rude" I shake my head

So we got food and now we are driving home but sadly there is traffic. Nothing new in LA. Then it's till raining "Nick don't crash" I say "I'm a good driver" he nods "we should play a game" I suggest "Tabitha do you ever not talk" Brandon ask "that hurt my feelings a little bit" I gasp "you've hurt my feelings before" Brandon adds and I look at Zion.

"You gon let your friend talk to me like that" I ask and his eyes widened "oh uh Brandon don't be mean to my girl" Zion says "exactly" I agree.

(4 hours later)

Zion and I are in his room watching some movie. Well he's asleep as I lay on his chest and I watch the movie. His phone rings and I grab it . It's Kylie again. Why does she keep calling him? "Z" I shake him lightly "Zion" I do it again making him move "Tabitha I'll watch the movie later" he whines "Kylie is calling you" his eyes widened

"For what" he ask as it stops ringing "i don't know but it's making very upset" I look at him and she starts calling again "just answer" I say and he does "yoo why do you keep calling" he stands up and I watch him walk to the bottom of the bed. "What do you want" he ask "you called a couple times today . You need something what is it" he adds

He's silent for a couple seconds "just tell me" he sighs and she talks because he's quiet "YOU'RE WHAT" he yells which scares me "what she say" I whisper and he doesn't pay me no mind "Kylie" he whispers "stop fuckin playing with me" he shakes his head "are you serious" he shouts "do I need to take over the conversation for you" I ask but yet again he Doesn't even look my way.

"Listen I can't right now , we will do this later" he hangs up and looks at me "What's wrong?"

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