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"Kylie what the hell" I ask as Tabitha literally just left "what?" She ask "you spent thousands on her card" I say "I thought it was your card" she shrugs "I don't want you spending thousands off my card either" I add "baby it's worth it" she says "no it isn't , all you are ever worried about my money"

She gasp "no I promise" she places her hands on my arms "I'm sorry I did that" she apologizes "you should have apologized to Tabitha" I say "you will pay her back and she'll be fine" she smiles "why don't we just relax and watch tv" she says "I like the sound of that" I tell her and we share a kiss before laying on my bed and looking for a movie to watch.


"Is this face mask supposed to burn" I ask Rachel "it means it's working" she answers "I'm taking it off" I say "you have 1 minute left leave it go" she says and I sigh before laying on my bed "why so frustrated" she ask "he's paying you back and you will get your money" she adds

"I know" I mumble "then what's wrong" she ask "they look happy together" I whisper "Zion and Kylie" she questions and I nod "please don't tell me you miss him" she says "I walked and they are all cuddled up sitting there , looking at his phone with smiles on their faces" I explain "maybe I messed up a little" I say "you can not let them put a hold on you , what about Devin" Rachel says

"I like Devin" I admit "like like or just like" she ask "like like" I answer "I think I do or maybe I'm saying that so I won't think about Kuwonu" I sit up
"Devin is sweet and he seems to care about you" she says "yeah but he also just always wants to have sex" I look at her "at least he likes having sex with you" she giggles "I guess"

The timer goes off "come we can take these mask off now" we walk to the mirror and try to peel them off "I like the little things" I say "huh" she ask "Devin just wants to fuck and cuddle literally, now that's great" I start "but I like little things" I add "like Zion would do these mask with me or sometimes he just bought me flowers and it be like 2am" I continue

"Or he would ask me to dance and compliment me every 2 minutes, or he'd wanna sit outside and have a deep conversation or wake me up at 3am just to take a drive to the 24 hour McDonald's drive thru" I say "I want that" I finish

"Devin doesn't do anything like that?" She ask "nothing" I shake my head "he'll come around" she tells me "will he" I ask "babes if you want Zion go get him" she states "he moved on and I need to also" I take the mask fully off "damn skin feels good" I touch my cheek "told you" she laughs

"What's next" I ask "movies duh" she says "you have to end the night with snacks and movies always"

(Zion) (2 days later)

I walk into the kitchen where my 4 best friends stand listening to some music "I think I'm being used" I admit and they all look up at me "used by who?" Nick ask "and how" Edwin ask "Kylie and I'm pretty sure she's using me for my money" I throw my hands up and sit down "no way" Brandon shakes his head "I'm serious" I tell them

"What makes you think that" Austin says "oh I don't know maybe it's that every time we are together she "forget her card" or she loves to spend thousands of dollars using my card only" I answer "she always ask me how much I made of Brand deals and music videos and songs" I add "every time I tell her no about spending my money , she gets so mad"

They look at each other "maybe she's just grateful" Nick guesses "grateful?" I ask "really?" I roll my eyes "I think she's a gold digger" I finally say "Tabitha said the same thing" Austin says "you know Tabitha usually is right" he adds "well she's not this time" Nick says "bro maybe just talk to her" Brandon suggest

"No we need a plan" Edwin says "plan?" I ask

"Like tell her you lost all your money or something then see if she stays with you" Edwin says and I point at him "genius" I shout "but she won't be here until Friday" I say "3 days" I count "this is a bad idea" Brandon says "Zion losing all his money to bags is too" Edwin says and I nod

"If she's a gold digger she's basically doesn't give a fuck about Zion and doesn't care if she hurts him" Austin says "at least with Tab , she cares for Zion and knows when she hurts him but still does it" he says "Kylie will not leave you when this plan goes in motion" Nick shakes his head "wanna bet" Edwin ask

"Sure" Nick smirks "if Kylie is a gold digger then you have to ...... be nice to Tabitha and actually give her a chance" Edwin tells him "I don't like her" Nick tells us "why-" Nick cuts Edwin for "she literally hurts Zion a lot" Nick ask "and a Kylie will too with this gold digger shit" Edwin says

"Fine but if I win you gotta clean my room and my closet" Nick takes the bet and they shake on it.

"You do know we don't want Kylie to be one" I chime in "for you I do want her to but for me I dont" Edwin nods "but you my brother so I hope Kylie isn't like that but what you told us , I think he is" he whispers the last part "also Maggie set you two up , she set you up with a gold digger"
Edwin says

"Don't blame my girlfriend" Brandon tells Edwin "that's Maggie's friend" I chuckle at them "we will talk about this ..... plan later"

(Tabitha) (next day)

"See you later" I shut my door after Devin walks out . You wouldn't believe what we did! Had sex ... yup! Don't get me wrong he's great , honestly but all the time , I feel like I'm botta snap in half or something and not in a good way. At first it was a good way but no ma'am. But I also can't say no , I love it but I wish we would do something different too. Then we do it and he leaves!? He just leaves , he cuddles for like 10 minutes then he's gone.

Maybe he's ..... I don't know. Time will tell but for now I'm liking him and I'm not gonna complain.
I sit on my couch and put on some Netflix until I fall asleep.

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