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I wake up for like the 5th time in the last 15 minutes.

Zions dumb ass phone keeps ringing. I finally look over to see who the hell keep calling.

Kylie❣️ is calling

It's that wack ass hoe man "Z" I shake him "stop" he whines "wake up" I shake him again before he opens his eyes "go back to sleep Tab" he looks at me "your girlie won't stop callin" he looks over at his phone as she calls again .

Then I watch him grab it , turn on "do not disturb" and then turn the phone off "damn" I say "now go back to sleep it looks dark as hell outside" I look out my window "cause its 3am" I answer
"Don't you think you should call her back"

He looks at me like I'm crazy "what if its an emergency and she's in trouble. Z she wants you to be her hero" I giggle "not funny" he says "it was funny , or what if the boys are in trouble" I gasp "you don't even care about them"

I agree with a nod "but I guess I kinda care about you so if the boys get hurt you will probably be sad" I say "you don't kinda care , you super care about me" he closes his eyes and says "whatever makes your lil heart happy" I grab his phone "what you doin"

I open his phone with his password "how you know my password" he ask "you haven't changed it in 3 years , plus it's my birthday stupid" as I open his phone and call from "Nick" pops up

"Don't answer" I ignore Zion as I answer "hello" I say and there's no one for a couple seconds "what the fuck" Nick says "can you tell Kylie to stop calling , she is interrupting our sleep"
I hear him chuckle "she came over worried about him cause she didn't know where Z was"

Zion looks my way I guess he can hear "well , he's here and safe so" Zion grabs the phone "hello" he says "rude" I whisper "ight ight" I watch him talk "hello hey .... Kylie" I shake my head . Yeah I'm about to mess with him . I scoot closer to the phone as he holds it to his ear

"Mhm Zion" I moan in his ear "stop it" he whisper yells "what did you say Kylie" he ask her "Just like that" I moan "no no , it's just some random girl I found on the sidewalk and she's weird"

I smack his arm "I'm not weird and I was not on a sidewalk" I cross my arms "okay Kylie , yes okay" he nods over and over "Kylie! Okay bye" he hangs up and we look at each other "gotta go"
My jaw drops "you're leaving"

He grabs his stuff "don't leave me , it's 3am" I sit up "Kylie was worried About me" I do not care. "Oh well she knows where you is now" I say "I'll see you whenever" he walks to my door "you're really leaving" I shake my head "what are you upset , why would you care" he ask

"All you do mess with other guys so I wanna go see the one girl I really care about and it's a problem. Kylie is someone I could see being with for the long run"

For the first time ever Zion saying something about another girl actually hurts. "Get out" I shoo him away "what changed T?" He asked "I told you to get out , leave" I point to the door "yeah whatever" he walks out my room and out my house.

I sigh and lay back down. Long run huh? What he wants to marry her or something. Does he want her to be the mother of his children. I mean what am I to him. Does he like me? Does he even care?
I care about him , I guess.

(Next day)

"Do you really think I can't do a relationship" I ask Rachel "no I don't think you can" she walks in and I gasp "really?" I look at her "really" she assures me "if you were you'd be with Zion a long time ago" she says

"It's him not me" she rolls her eyes "Tabitha it's always you" I fake smile at her "thanks Rachel" I say as there's a knock at our door "who the hell" I stand up. I reach the door and open it "hey you" it's Devin "hey Dev" I smile before he walks in.
"Wassup Rachel" he waves to her.

"What are you doing here" I ask after Rachel waves back "I left some of my stuff here a couple days ago, I called last night but you didn't answer" he answers "oh yeah I was tired" Rachel snickers and I glare at her

"Real tired"

I look back at Devin as Rachel's phone goes off "I'll go get my stuff" he runs upstairs and I sigh "the boys want me to come over" Rachel says "I wanna come" I say "really? You wanna go?" She ask "yeah , I wanna make them mad , they hate me" I laugh "of course I'll bring you , you my best friend" we smile at each

Devin comes down with a bag "what are you about to do" he ask "umm just probably watch some movies with Rachel" he nods before kissing my cheek "I'll call you later" he says and I wave goodbye before he walks out.

"Aww Tabitha Devin is sweet and you don't even like him" Rachel says "well maybe I will soon" I tell her "he is sweet and all just not what I want , I think" I nod "anyways we should get going"

We grab our things before heading out and getting into her car. "I'm excited" I get into the passenger and seat as she laughs "you just want them to be mad" she starts the car and says "yeah basically"
I nod before she drives out of the driveway "hope Kylie is there" I apply my lipgloss in the mirror

"I think she peeps something suspicious is going on" I add "you just are all about you" Rachel says "and you , I care about you" I smile "what kind of best friend would I be" I ask "yeah yeah" she says "but other than you , it's all about me" I shrug

(Boys house)

We arrive and she parks the car before we both get out. She walks in before me "heyyy" I hear and I walk in and it's silent "wow I don't get a nice warm welcome" I gasp but sarcastically "Rachel we said just you" Nick says "well she's my best friend, we a package deal" Rachel tells him

"Why only her" I ask "we don't want you here" Nick says "cry me a river Nick" I smile "this is our house" he says with a attitude "and" I ask "we can call the cops" he chuckles "call them" he just shakes his head "we are happy to see you Rachel"

Brandon says "but not happy to see Tabitha" he adds "shut the fuck Brandon before I break your glasses , won't be seeing shit" I laugh "hey!" Maggie stands up "sit your ass down Lindemann"
I point at her

"Well umm moving on"

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