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(Zion) (2 days later)

"How did that brand deal video go for you and the boys" Kylie ask me as we sit on my bed "it went well" I answer "how much money did you make" she ask "what?" I ask "what?" She says "why did you ask that" I question "just asking" she shrugs and turns her attention to the tv "can we get food" she ask "you're paying right , I paid last time"

She looks at me "don't be like that" she complains "you pay please" she begs "I lost my card" she says "you lost it?" I ask "or it might be at my house" she thinks "just pay please" she lays on my shoulder "Ight Ight" I pull my phone out and hand it to her.

"Thank you bae" she smiles and scrolls through doordash "Mexican" she suggest



"Hey bitches" Rachel and I walk in the boys house "what are you guys here" Brandon ask "especially Tabitha" Nick adds "don't be rude" I say "don't tell me what to do" Nick says which makes me roll my eyes "we came here because I have clothes here that I need to get" I tell them "well Kylie is up there with him" Edwin says "even better"

I take Rachel's hand and we walk upstairs to his door "shouldn't you knock" Rachel ask "I guess" I whine and I knock two times before the door opens to reveal his tall ass just standing there. "What are you doing here" he ask "I need my stuff"

He looks at me confused "my clothes that I left here when I would come over and we'd fuck" he rolls his eyes and I giggle "sorry sorry" I smile before Kylie steps in front of him "excuse me you can leave" she ask and I look her up and down "anyways" I shake my head "He doesn't want you , understand that"

I chuckle "hon I came to get my stuff from his drawer" I push past them and walk in as Rachel walks behind me "won't take long" I say and open his bottom drawer "here's that pink lingerie set" I put it in the bag "Devin is gonna love that"

I obviously said that on purpose . I get my things and stand up "you two have fun , but not to much fun now" I point Kylie and Zion "see ya" we walk out and downstairs "see you boys another time" I wave "hopefully never" Nick says

"don't worry Nick you will see me again" I smile before we walk out "did you see how Kylie got all smart with me" we get in the car as I ask "Like I won't throw her across the room" I nod "Zion looked real hot thought" I sigh "girl focus on Devin" she says "you're right you're right" I take a deep breath

We get to my house and walk in "I wish I could read people's minds" I say "I don't , I don't wanna get my feelings hurt" Rachel says "I don't care about that shii" I shut the door and sit at the kitchen island "I just wanna read Zions mind , know what he's thinking when he sees me"

She giggles "of course you do" "but I should get going" she picks her bag up "call me when you get home" I smile "will do , love youu" she opens the door "love you" I say back before she walks out. When I'm alone this is when my mind starts to go places. Thinking about life and the decisions I have made in my life so far.

I wonder if regret anything I ever done. And I don't , maybe a couple but it's in the past . I can't go back and change anything anyways. I just hope karma doesn't come get my cute ass.

(2 days later)

"So what made you wanna come over" I ask Devin as he sits next to me "I can't come see you" he ask "you can" I shrug "haven't talked to since I was here last time" he says "the phone works both ways" I say with a bit of attitude

"you right" he puts his hands up "but I've really been the mood" he grabs my thigh "every time you come here you always wanna fuck" I push his hand off of me "I mean hey we don't got to but I'd love to" he smiles "How could I say no" I straddle him

"You can't" he grips my waist .

Then the door opens to reveal Rachel walks in "oh , sorry" she apologizes "thanks a lot bestie" I climb off of Devin before we stand up "I'll go if you want" she says "no it's fine" I smile "well I should get going" Devin says "why you just came over" I ask "no reason for me to be here , you two do bestie things" he grabs his phone

"We can just chill" I tell him "I'll see you later" he waves to us and walks out my house
"Sorry Tab" Rachel says again "it's okay but I thought he would stay" I shrug "what was you guys about to do" she ask and I smirk "fuck" I laugh "but he doesn't even wanna chill" I sit back down

"Moving on , did you see the pictures of Kylie and Zion on Instagram last night" she ask "no I was tired as hell" I answer "they went to this expensive ass restaurant, like I ain't know they had money like that" she shakes her head "and she had this dress on , cost at least 4,000 dollars" she adds

"What does she do for work" she ask "I don't fuckin know" I answer and she shows me pics "they disgust me" I put my hand up "Out of all expensive dresses , she gets that one" I shake my head "it isn't cute" I add "I like the color" Rachel says "no we don't" I turn her phone off

"He probably paid for it" I say "aww that's nice" Rachel smiles "I don't get who's side you are ever on" I stand up and say "your side but it is nice" she shrugs "did you see her bag too" Rachel ask

"real nice" she adds "I have better bags" I smile and sit back down "I don't have time to think about them" I cross my arms "take your mind off of it , and focus on anything else" she looks at me "what if she's a gold digger" I gasp "he just bought her a dress , actually we don't even know if he bought it" she says "I said what if she's a one , not that she is one"

Rachel laughs "if she is , Zion needs to get outta there before he goes broke" Rachel replies "I don't care , that's his fault" I'm so lying , of course I care.

"You don't feel bad" she questions

"nope" I shake my head . Duh obviously I feel bad. "But hey that's none of our business" I hear her say as I walk into the kitchen "But also Devin is being real shady" I lean on the counter "ever thought dating isn't for you at this time in your life"
Rachel ask

"No I never thought that , and I'm not going to" I sigh "you don't think he's hiding something from me" I question "serial killer" she mumbles "he doesn't kill people , I hope" I shake that crazy thought off "I don't wanna think to much into it , I overthink to much"

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