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So In all it's been 2 weeks since I found out Kylie is pregnant. I know the boys have like 38 days before tour starts. Time is going by fast actually. Before you know it that baby will be here. It's been 2 weeks and still all I think about is Zion.

I mean I wonder if him and Kylie are getting together. Or are already together. I mean I'm out the picture . They are having a baby , I don't see why they wouldn't. I don't want them too but I also don't know if I wanna be with Zion ever again.

Which pains me to even think about.

I haven't done anything or seen anyone besides Rachel these last 2 weeks. Cause I don't feel it and I really don't want to. I know Kylie is loving everything about this right now. She got me out the way , she has Zion on lock with this baby. I know Zion wouldn't abandon this baby or her.

I wouldn't want him to. This baby has done nothing to me . I also can't blame Kylie and Zion. Im 99% sure this wasn't planned. I just blame Zion for what's happening now. I wish nothing but the best for the baby. I never would wish anything bad on his child. It just hurts that he's having one with someone else. But it would have been much worse if he got her pregnant while we were together. Now that I think about Zion and I never been official.

I was never asked and I obviously didn't ask him. We would always take it slow and I would fuck it up then we'd go back and back off and on then off over and over. I want him , I want him so bad. Apart of me needs him. I just really wish he went about this differently.


(One month later) (10 days before tour) "Why isn't she answering me" I say out loud "who" Edwin says as him , Brandon and I are sitting in Edwins room "Kylie" I try to call her again "why what's wrong" Brandon ask "she had her appointment today and I wanted know how it went"  I say "she ain't answering anything" I shake my head "call the doctor she goes too" Brandon suggest

"oh yeah maybe , she did tell me which one" and that's exactly what I do. Cause I care about this baby. Because if Kylie isn't okay then that means my baby isn't either. The doctor answers "hi I was wonder if you has someone named Kylie Braxton" I ask "okay hold on sir" she says and I hear her typing on a computer I'm guessing.

"No there has been no named Kylie Braxton today" she says "no?" I question "no sir" she says again "what about 2 weeks ago" I ask and it's silent for a couple seconds "there is no Kylie Braxton in any of our records" she says "oh okay thank you" I say and hang up "so?" Edwin ask

"they said there has been no Kylie today or last month when she got those ultrasound pictures" I tell them "weird" Brandon says "she wouldn't lie right"

I ask "About the appointment? Or the pregnancy it's self" Edwin ask "the appointment, you think she's lying about being pregnant" I ask "no I'm just giving suggestions" He says

"Are you sure that's the right doctor" he ask "Kylie told me it was that doctor" I say "and it was today" Edwin ask "I'm positive" I nod "go to her house make sure everything is okay" Brandon says "yeah I'll be back" I grab my phone and keys before going outside into my car.

I get to Kylies house and knock a couple times before she answers "what the fuck Kylie" I say "what?!" She ask "I been calling you for like a hour now" I say "oh I was in the shower and I didn't bring my phone with me" she says "can I come in" I ask "fine" she lets me in and closes the door.

"Why didn't you go to your appointment today" I ask "what are you talking about" she ask "I called your doctor and you never went in for an appointment, not today and not the last month" I say and she looks around "what?" I ask "explain" I demand

"I missed it" she says "I missed it cause I got the times mixed up" she shrugs "what about last week , where you got the pictures from" I ask "maybe they forgot to put me in the records" she says "they forgot?" I ask "I guess" she says "don't lie to me" I say "oh like you lied to Tabitha"

She smirks "stop bringing her up" I say "anyways are you leaving or you gonna stay" she ask "do you feel fine" I ask "yeah" she says "do you need me to stay" I ask "I want you to stay" she smiles "we aren't doing anything, the only reason I'm around you is because you are carrying my baby"
I tell her "we aren't anything" I add

"And why aren't we , don't you want our baby to have both their mother and father" she ask "the baby will just not together" I say "just because we are having a baby doesn't mean we need to be together" I say to her

"Well if that's the case , I don't want Tabitha around this baby at all" she says "if you get back together she's not allowed to see the baby" she says "you can't do that unless she would put our baby in danger and you know damn well Tabitha wouldn't do that" I say "me being the baby's father gives me the right to see my child and let him or her be around whoever I want" I add

"Trust me I would never let anyone put her baby at risk but I know 100% Tabitha would never" I finish "but I'm the mother" she says "and I'm the father so what the hell" I say "whatever Zion" she sits on the couch "do you need me to stay or not" I ask "yes ..... please" I sit next to her.

It's about an hour that I been her it's currently
9:30 pm. Kylie is upstairs in her room as I'm downstairs. I'm about to leave so I should go tell her. I stand up and go to walk upstairs before accidentally bumping into the self making papers fall. I pick them up before actually looking at them and seeing a bunch of printed out ultrasound pictures and they are all the ones she showed me.

What the actual fuck?! I put them back and quickly grab her laptop hoping she doesn't come downstairs. I remember the password from when we were talking . I look through her recent search history and it's baby everything. But more importantly there's searches for ultrasound pictures and recent prints have happened.

My eyes widened at the sight of seeing her look up fake pregnancy bumps. She was gonna buy one of these? My eyes widened again has I realize. She's not pregnant! She printed out fake ultrasound pictures . Didn't go to no appointments . Was gonna buy a fake bump. She's fuckin crazy . So I pull out game is not weak. I have no baby on the way.

I put her computer away and walk upstairs straight to her room. But I walk in to the bathroom look through the cabinets "what are you doing" she ask and I find it what I'm looking for a pregnancy test. "Take this test now"

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