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(The next day)

"Is this ep done yet" Nick ask as I sit in the studio with the boys "almost" Brandon answers "It comes out In 4 days" I say "just needs some finishing touches" Brandon tells us "don't worry it will come out on time" he adds "we gotta get it out so the beanz can learn the songs before tour" Edwin says

"it doesn't matter if we released it the night before tour , the beanz learn our songs the night they come out" Zion says as he looks over Brandon's shoulder at the computer . My phone rings and it's a unknown number "hello" I answer "SO YOU WAS FUCKING MY MAN" this girl yells and I just hang up "who was that" Zion ask

"Some bitch that start yelling" I answer and it rings again so I answer "DONT HANG UP ON ME" she yells "bitch don't come calling my phone and yelling" I stand up "I don't who you are or who you think you are but don't ever try me" I shout making the boys look at me eyes wide.

"Who fucked my man" she says "you is your man?" I ask "Devin" she says "This Trina?" I ask "yes now why the fuck did you mess with my man" she ask "well your man told me he was single and honestly all he wanted was sex from me because you couldn't satisfy him" I say "not my fault your pussy is trash" I smile "he isn't single" she says

"well I know now" I say "don't call my phone yelling , call your so called man and tell him how you feel" I demand "This isn't my fault , he told me he was single" I say "I honestly feel bad for you , but you wanna talk slick to me , now I don't" I say "don't call me again TRINA" I hang up

I shake my head and look at the boys as they look at me "what?!" I shout "sorry" They say and I sit back down "the audacity" I roll my eyes and Zion comes to sit by me "what happened" he ask and I tell him who that was , what she wanted and all the above.

"Like sorry your man is a piece of shit" I say

"Anyways" I take a deep breath "We got our first rehearsal on Tuesday" Zion tenses up "you okay" I ask "yeah just ..... I can't believe tour is happening" he nods "aww I'm happy for you" I smile "did you bring your charger in" I ask "my car still" he says and I whine "I'll be back cause I gotta get it" I walk out the studio door then out the building itself.


"You a damn lie" Edwin says after Tabitha walks out "huh" I ask "the reason you acted like that when  Tuesday was mentioned is because that's your deadline" He tells me "no" I lie "You only have 2 days left Zion" Nick says "and you still haven't told her" Brandon adds "I know I know" I say "you are making things worse" Austin chimes In "I'll talk to her later" I tell them "really" Nick and

"Can you guys stop" I shout as Tabitha walks back In "are you guys arguing" she ask "nope" I answer "why did you yell" I ask "didn't mean to" I tell her and she next to me after plugging her phone in "Tabitha I have something to say" Austin says and my eyes widened "there's something you should know" he adds "okay tell me" she says "so" I cut him off "I bought a gift for you" I say and Austin looks at me

"A gift" I ask "yep and it's surprise" I smile "really?" She ask and I nod "is that what you wanted to say Austin" she ask and he looks at me "please" I mouth "yeah that's what I was gonna say" he lies "I'm excited" she lays on my shoulder "yeah" I feel so bad I do. But I'm so scared to lose her. We are doing so good and I can't ruin this.

The boys shake their heads at me as I wrap my arms around Tabitha. This is gonna be bad.

(The next day) "Rachel and then he's been real weird lately" I tell her as I sit on Zions bed. The boys just went out to go clothes shopping . Surprisingly I didn't wanna go. "How do" she ask "just suspicious" I tell her "ask him about it" she says "I do, I have been asking him and he just says he's not or that it's nothing" I explain "but it's something and I don't know what it is"

I sigh before looking at the camera "I'm worried" I admit "what if something bad is going on" I add "you been with him every night since you guys talked that one night" she says "what are you saying ,he's cheating? I ask "no no just maybe you are thinking to into it" she says "I do that a lot don't I" I question "all the time" she giggles "I love that boy and I don't wanna lose him but if he's doing dumb shit then I might lose him" I get sad

"Aww it's okay , he's doing fine you are fine , everything is good" she tries to convince me "I'm pretty sure if the boys knew something they would tell you right away" she smiles "yeah I think they would too" I nod "definitely Edwin and Austin" I add "exactly, there's no need to worry about anything" she says "uh you're probably right" I smile. I hear the boys come in the house.

"The boys are back I'll call you later" I tell her "Ight love youu" she says "love you too" I say back before hanging up and walking downstairs "hi boys" I say and they all say hi back . Zion comes up and kisses my lips "got nice clothes" I ask "always" Edwin nods "imma show you mine cause they the best" Edwin nods "I'll rate them 1-10" I smile.

"I'll be back , imma go tell Edwin how bad his clothes look" I laugh and follow Edwin upstairs to his room "Ight first these pants" I sit on his bed as he holds them up "5/10" I rate "these are great" he says "5/10" I say again.

Then for the next 10 minutes he shows me clothes and they weren't bad lmaoo. "So I see you and Zion are good" he ask "why wouldn't we be" I ask "since he told you the news yesterday" he says "what news" I ask and he looks at me "ohh umm nothing" he says "Edwin fuck no , tell me" I stand up "it's nothing" he says and I go downstairs "tell me"

I walk up to Zion "tell you what?" He ask "whatever the fuck Edwin is talking about"

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