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"He's gone" I sigh "I was to late" I say "call him before he's to far" she says and I grab my phone and don't hesitate clicking on his contact


He answers not even half way through the first ring "Tabitha" he says "come back" I whisper "please , I'll talk to you" I add "okay I'm on my way back" he hangs up "I'll be outside" I turn to Rachel "good luck" she gives me a thumbs up" I walk outside and sit on her porch cause he is not that far away.

Before I could even think about what to say to him and he pulls up and my heart starts racing . I haven't seen Zion in a month. I've missed him so much. He gets out and walks over to me "hey Tab" he says "hi" I whisper and scoot down to give him room to sit next to me. He sits down.

"I heard everything you said to Rachel"

He looks my way but I just keep looking straight "I'm listening , so talk" I tell him "listen I know you're hurting and I know you're upset with me" he says "I'm angry with you" I say "I know and you should be" he says "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth and keeping that from you" he says "I looked like a dumbass" I say "no you didn't I looked like a dumbass" he says "I'm sorry Tabitha I really am"

I close my eyes trying to hold the tears in "what did you wanna talk about" I ask "so I was with Kylie today , I see her sometimes just to make sure her the baby are okay" he says "but I was there and I-I found out she's not pregnant" I look at him "what?" I ask "those ultrasound pictures are off the internet and she's buying a fake bump" he tells me

"I tried to make her take a test and she didn't and she finally said she was lying" he adds "she's not pregnant , she lied because she wanted me back" he finishes "I just want you back T" he says "even though she isn't pregnant, you still lied to me"
I say "i don't know what to do to make you forgive me" he says "I have tour in 10 days Tabitha" he adds "I don't wanna rush you"

Tour came by really really fast "but in 10 days I'll be gone for 2 months" he says "I need you" he looks at me and I finally look at him "you kept a big ass secret from Me Zion" I say "I can't go back a change that if I could I would , but here we are now" he says "I love you and I don't know what I'll do if I would lose you forever"

He lean back on the chair I'm sitting on "and I love you too you know that. I don't wanna lose you but I don't wanna be lied to either" I tell him "I'll work on everything you need me to work on" he says "cause it's not me ruining our relationship this time it's you" I point at him "I know that" he says "we have nothing to worry when it comes to Kylie , she's out the picture forever"

I wanna take him back but I'm worried. "I miss you Tab" he says "I miss you too" i admit "it's been a month of course I've missed you" I say "let's try again please" he says "one more time?" I ask "I won't fuck up anymore" he says "and we know I won't" I say "as long as you don't get no one pregnant" I smile "trust me the only person I would get pregnant is you" he smiles "oh"

I giggle and I put my hand on his shoulder "I mean if you want" I shrug and he laughs "shii it's up to you" he says "shut up" I push him playfully "I love youu" I smile "I love youu" he kisses me . The door opens and Rachel comes out "damn Kylie really lied like that" she says "you was listening that whole time" Zion ask her

"You at my house and her business is my business" Rachel says and Zion looks at me "not wrong" I stand up and he does too "you should let us sleep here in the guest room" I grabs Zions hand and look at Rachel "I don't care , of course you can stay here" we follow her into the house "Rachel I haven't been inside ya house inna while , looks different" Zion looks around

"Eh sometimes I like to switch shii up" Rachel says and Zion chuckles as he shuts the door "you know where the guest room is , I'm heading to bed" Rachel smiles "I do and goodnight" I say "I love you two love birds" she wave "love you too" I giggle and watch her walk upstairs

Zion spins me around and connects our lips before lowering his hands to my waist. "What a day it's been" he breaks apart and says "what a month" I say and he nods "come on we got a guest room waiting for us" I say "lead the way" he follows me into the guest room and I sit on the bed after taking my slides off . He sits next to me and smiles.

"Are you okay" I ask "I'm great , why?" He ask "you thought you were gonna have a baby and then found out you aren't" I say "you aren't upset" I question "I mean , I didn't want a baby with Kylie and I wasn't really fully with the idea of having one with her" he says "I wasn't I guess attached"

I nod "I couldn't really get you off my mind to really think about a baby" he adds "is that a bad thing?" He ask and shrug "I don't know" I answer "but it doesn't matter there is no baby" he says "plus there's always the future to have some" he nudges me lightly "mhm right" I roll my eyes

"No babies?" He ask after I stand up . I look at him "that's if we make it to the future" I say "that could be tomorrow, next week , next month , in 10 years?" He says "10 years huh?" I smile "Tion for life baby" he nods "you're annoying" I shake my head. I step up to him and grab his chin

"like you said babies in the future" I kiss him and say "can't wait" he chuckles "watch I get pregnant in like 3 days cause I just jinxed us" I joke "I don't mind it" he says "we have no clothes here" I giggle "well I do" I say "we don't need clothes" he says "shut up" I laugh "I'll just sleep in my boxers babe"

I nod "I know" I say before walking into the bathroom where I know I have some clothes. I put on a random t-shirt that's actually Zions . Must have left it here . I walk out to him laying down "recognize this shirt" I ask "uh yeah been looking for that shirt forever" he says "well here it is" I lay next him "I like on you better" he says "same" I agree . I turn the little table lamp off.

"Goodnight Z" I kiss his cheek "goodnight T , I love you so much" he pulls me closer "I love you"

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